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Domination: Earth

Mr. D

Domination: Staff
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Everything posted by Mr. D

  1. Hi all, Version 2.8.11 is live on the Play Store and will appear on the App Store soon. Containing a number of fixes and features partially rolled out to Android earlier for testing since version 2.8.6: (iOS only) Fixed Unobtainium purchases; billing system should once again be active as of this version. Added the "Hide lands older than" and "Land display radius" switches onto Earth View's "Map Filters" UI. Added a new profile setting labelled "Load map tiles faster" (disabled by default). Switching this feature on will actively load map tiles while you're panning the Earth View camera or zooming in/out. Keeping it disabled means that the map tiles load only when the screen isn't touched (i.e. after panning the view sideways you need to let go of the screen for the new map area to become visible). This feature is disabled by default as enabling it causes extra load on the game engine and slowdowns in map movement were reported on some devices. Optimized visual assets and building markers. "Domination: Earth" installer reduced in size from 60MB+ to approx. 20MB. Optimized assets improve rendering performance in large quantities as well and consume less memory. "No internet connection" message on Earth View no longer occupies the entire middle section of the screen. Loss of connectivity will now trigger a discreet non-blocking notification bar at the bottom of Earth View that will automatically reconnect to the game server once the internet connection is restored (pressing "try again" manually is not required). Fixed skill attribute icons not rendering on some devices. Fixed land markers disappearing after performing an attack using Guard Towers, Missile Launchers etc. Fixed non-responsive "submit" and "cancel" buttons during drone, building and utility structure placement. Please post if you have any questions or feedback.
  2. Mr. D

    Kankiri needs)))

    Hmm... might be tricky, but I'll have a think about the options here.
  3. We have run into a delay with the App Store release due to a missing Privacy Policy section; it has been requested by Apple that we provide users with notice about using your in-game data on the leaderboards visible to other players. Our Privacy Policy has been updated accordingly and can be found at the following URL: https://domination.earth/privacy/ We are now awaiting further review by Apple.
  4. Mr. D

    why I cant build...

    No limit, except for proximity/space restrictions! Where are you trying to build one? Are you getting an error or nothing happens at all?
  5. Mr. D

    resourses dissapear..

    That should now be fixed in 2.8.6: Please download the update from the Play Store if you're on Android; if not, this version should become available on the App Store later this week.
  6. Hi all, Version 2.8.6 is now live on the Play Store; App Store version is expected to become available in the next couple of days. Featuring a number of Earth View focused changes: Smoother zoom in/out controls. Improved map tile loading responsiveness and fixed intermittent cropping of land circles. Fixes to icon state synchronisation; resource icons should no longer disappear upon pressing "Pick up" unless actually picked up. Further reduced the number of loading spinners and improved icon persistency when switching tabs. "No internet connection" pop up will automatically try to reconnect to the server and disappear upon reestablishing the connection without having to press "Try again" manually. Please post if you have any questions.
  7. Yep, both sides lost an equal amount of soldiers, albeit from a slightly different amount of damage. Coincidences happen, unless every combat for you is like that now, then it does need investigating.
  8. Только что было выпущено исправление, которое должно помочь с этой ситуацией. Прошу сообщить, если земли FoT всё ещё невидимы. 😉 Благодарю за ваше терпение и репорт!
  9. Hi all, Version 2.8.5 will appear on the Play Store shortly, App Store release is expected to follow in the next couple of days. Featuring: It is now possible to delete (and therefore deactivate) currently active items with collection bonuses (e.g. Super Magnets). Zoom level should no longer reset after land capture and resource collection. Earth View markers should be a bit more persistent now, requiring fewer reloads (e.g. remain when navigating back to Earth View from another tab). Upon tapping on an inbox message about an attack structure dealing damage to your land you will now see both locations (the attacking structure and its target) connected with a line. Please post if you have any questions!
  10. Mr. D


    It depends on the circumstances, but strictly speaking the notifications aren't tied to what you see in the app as they are sent by the server. E.g. when you hit the "capture land" button the server schedules a push notification in 15 minutes from that moment. If there is a server-side "congestion" (e.g. the 3rd party push notification service is overloaded) there could be a delay in delivering the notification. Alternatively, if the UI lags the notification from the server could arrive a little bit sooner (visually). I could synchronize these notifications with the client-side state, but that would require for the app to run in the background a lot more often, which is not good for your battery and would require additional permissions, so we stick with the server-side notifications only.
  11. Mr. D

    battle never ends...

    Thanks for letting me know, @kank! Looks like something got stuck... I'll investigate.
  12. Hi all, Version 2.8.2 is now live on the Play Store and App Store. This version is focused on fixing bugs and introducing enhancements requested by players, specifically: It is now possible to enable/disable individual character skills, preventing the undesired skills from accidentally activating and draining stamina. "My Lands" window has been redesigned with a large number of bases in mind. Special thanks to @S Keillanfor demonstrating the possible extents of that list as well as the incredible amounts of patience while playing with the old UI; it must have been really painful, I apologize for that. 😅 The new UI lists all bases in a fairly compact way (just the level, name and distance), while any additional details (e.g. controls, resource production amounts, army size etc.) appear upon tap and are loaded individually for every selected base to prevent long waiting times. Expanded base widgets are also cached (as long as the associated profile setting is enabled) and should load faster after the initial use. Finally, all players with 3+ bases will see a search bar at the top of "My Lands" allowing to find specific bases by name (partial matches are allowed). I hope the new version is easier to navigate and causes less frustration. However, please let me know if that is still not the case. 😉 Your surroundings (resources, quests, characters, etc.) will now refresh automatically as your current position changes and you move too far from the original spot; the refresh happens approximately every kilometer. The automatic surrounding refresh only works while the camera follows your current position (the "yellow" tracking icon on Earth View). "Viewing" a remote base ("eye" icon on a base widget in "My Lands") should automatically load the surroundings around its location. Centering camera back on your location afterwards will also refresh the surroundings and reenable the automatic refresh. Fixed a bug causing intermittent loading of locations associated with inbox messages; tapping on a message should now load the correct location on Earth View every time. Peacekeeping points icon is now purple, matching the "Force of Terror" flag colour. To delete a utility structure players must now enter "delete" into the confirmation box (in their chosen language) to avoid accidental removals. As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback.
  13. Version 2.8.1 is now live on the Play Store and contains no new features or visible changes, but removes a problematic geocoding module from version 2.8.0 that broke the land capture functionality (requiring the game to be reinstalled after upgrading to 2.8.0): 2.8.1 is planned to become the new minimum game version as it contains backwards-incompatible changes required for the game to work on Android 11 (SDK 30). Thank you all for your patience and understanding during this transition period!
  14. Indeed, thank you for the swift report! 😅 Should be all fixed now.
  15. Hi all, Version 2.8.0 is now available for download from the Play Store and is planned to be released on the App Store later next week. Known issue: you may need to uninstall and reinstall the app if your land capture / land upgrades are no longer functional and became unresponsive. This is caused by the fact that we've upgraded the core Android SDK to maintain compatibility with the latest OS versions and, unfortunately, some of these 3rd party changes are breaking and backwards incompatible, which makes the previously cached data inaccessible to the already installed app. This data needs to be removed and downloaded from our servers again. We apologize for the inconvenience! Version 2.8.0 contains the following changes: Billing functionality upgrade: this should cause no visible changes, but will help with rare situations when a payment gets processed by Google/Apple, but the connectivity with our servers is lost before the Unobtainium transfer finishes. Reopening the Unobtainium purchase window later should automatically identify any paid transactions that haven't been credited yet and retry adding the resource to your account. "Refer a friend" UI and functionality has been revamped: all players now have a unique link that can be shared with anyone who doesn't have the app yet. Once they install the game using that link they will automatically be registered as a player referred by you and instantly receive the rewards, no further in-game action required. Referral QR codes now contain the same link as well, so in addition to being usable via the "Scrap Items" facility (same as before) these QR codes can also be shared outside the game and scanned by any 3rd party QR scanner for the same referral bonus applied once the app is installed. Each player can only be referred to the game once, so older/existing players will not benefit from using a new player's referral link, sorry. 🙂 Please note that the new referral functionality is available on Android only until the iOS version goes live; stay tuned for updates on this subject. Referral rewards have been adjusted and are also displayed on the "Refer a friend" UI: new players installing the game via your link will receive a little bit of Unobtainium in addition to Supplies and Peacekeeping Points, and the referring players will now be gaining Peacekeeping Points whenever the referred party builds a new base or advances to level 3 for the first time. It is now possible to equip character items directly from the warehouse while stationed at a base: no interactions with the base required, character inventory will automatically get populated with the available warehouse options once you're in range. Corrected a number of texts and translation errors. As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback!
  16. Hi @BrianK, Thanks for the report! It seems that the issue started in version 2.8.0 that contains a few non-optional upgrades from Google, which affect the functionality of local data cache. You may need to reinstall the app for the issue to go away (but please let me know if that doesn't help!). I apologize for the inconvenience, an official announcement will be made about this shortly.
  17. @BrianK I believe this should now be fixed, as I addressed several possible causes of the issue. 🤞 However, I was unable to reproduce the original bug myself, so please let me know if this reoccurs and I'll reopen the investigation!
  18. Mr. D

    quest is gone

    Was it a timed quest? 🤔 Does it appear in the "Ended" tab as failed?
  19. Thank you for the report, @EMonster! This should now be fixed.
  20. Hi all, Several server-side changes went live today; all fixes are active now (no app update required), but a new app version with some corrected texts will be released in the near future. Command Centre: "Combined totals" window no longer shows skills from unassigned characters and correctly calculates total bonuses from the assigned characters only. Collected item level is now generated based on the highest level of the character assigned to the nearby base, not the highest level of all assigned characters assigned to all bases. If no nearby base is found (e.g. you are travelling outside of your bases' radiuses) then the previous logic applies and the highest level from all assigned characters is picked. Fixed a bug allowing to recruit free troops while waiting for collection results from a tracking satellite. Combat actions, such as taking damage, should no longer revert base levels and experience accumulated in parallel to the battle. Fixed an issue preventing characters from gaining experience points if at least one other character reached their XP limit. It is now possible to equip characters using the items stored in your warehouses directly, as long as you are present on a base. Please note that for now you will need to interact with the base (e.g. use "Fortify Defences" or generate a resource) before the warehouse items appear in the character's "Available" list. A client-side fix for this will be included in the next app version, after which this action will no longer be required. As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback.
  21. Yep, random generator is a pain and can sometimes be a bit mean, stabbed me a few times too. 😅 Can't reprogram luck, unfortunately! 🙂
  22. Mr. D

    characters dont rest

    Does anything happen with their stamina at all (I'm assuming that several days passed since you noticed / posted about it here)? Or it's completely frozen at the same value for almost a week now?
  23. Mr. D

    Kankiri needs)))

    Permanent combat log archive, got it. Unfortunately, I cannot say when I will get to implementing something like this due to the time constraints, but I have added it to my task list.
  24. Mr. D

    dobble attack

    That is technically not against the rules, as one army can attack and defend at the same time (same applies to players), except that their casualty rate will be greater and any associated losses will be tracked separately in each relevant battle. As for the mysterious soldier disappearances... I cannot comment on that yet, but will investigate once I get a chance.
  25. Mr. D

    characters dont rest

    Unassigned characters are supposed to regenerate a portion of their stamina (15 + medicine skill bonus, affected by constitution. Minimum regeneration amount is 1 after all penalties) every hour, while the assigned characters regenerate once every 4 hours. Are you saying that your inactive characters have not restored any stamina over a period of time longer than several hours?
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