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Domination: Earth


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Everything posted by Masterman

  1. Masterman

    Resource station

    All of this 3 buildings
  2. When i start this game i make.main base in bad place. Later i saw that every click in main base give resources on map, when i get fist 200lvl. I move my main base to this place because this is my home. And always when i click flag on main base i get this resources. After last upgrade this stop work... And my last about 80-100click in home give me nothing:( only 2 times gam.chose main base . 2 from 80/100 this is very sad Sorry for my english...
  3. Then make smaller bonus like 1% and max upgrade is 10 lvl
  4. I still losing much resources ... I think i cant "upgrade" main base after game upgrade . Maybe you give us chance to chose what land we want to upgrade( but we can chose only lands in our range (about 500m?)
  5. Masterman


    Look. You make new topic. But under is another about unbotanium... UnobtainiumCan only be purchased via the App Store / Play Store, or acquired as a reward for participating in any game-related events. Unobtainium can be exchanged for any other resource on the "Construct" tab.
  6. I make about 1/4 at the moment.
  7. What you think about upgrade power ups? Colect 10 power ups (like super magnet) and you can upgrade this power up to next lvl. Every lvl give +/-5% longer time, bigger range Super magnet every 5lvl can give +1 use,
  8. I use last unobtanium to move main base to my home, to get bonus every click. But now this dont working! Can someone do something with this? I lose many reources every 15-20min... How to play with that things....
  9. I have main base in cenre of the land 200lvl. When i click flag (2 days ago) my main base get def bonus for 2h and on my map show 2 random resources. Yesterday something changed and ewerytime i click flag i get info abput bigger land...but game should chose smaller.... I click flag abut 20-30 timea and ewerytime game chose bigger land...
  10. 5) statistics List of lands with lvl and building, and how far are this bases (i wanna know how much base i haveandwhat i build.on this bases)
  11. I have some ideas for game ( sorry for my english) 1 - something like missions ( with unobotanium prizes) A) move for 1km/5km/10km but you should make max speed 5-15km/h just for walk/run B) make x/xx/xxx lvl of lands C) get 1/5/10 lvl of main base. 2)more buildings - where we can get small amout of money/ supplies/personel but player can get profits only when player is near this land ( like assembly in main base. We can use it whem we near main.base) A) market - 1 lvl make 1 money per hour / next lvl give us+1 per hour B) bank - 1 lvl can store max 10 money , next lvl give us +10max store C) factory - 1lvl 1 supply per 12h/ next lvl +1 supply D) warehouse 1lvl max store 2supply/ next lvl +2 E) University 1 personel per12h / next lvl +2 f) house store 2personel per lvl. 3) smaller icon of resources on map... 4) every building what we build shown on map. Now i.make wall. And tower.and on map i have only tower.
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