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Domination: Earth


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Posts posted by marcofi

  1. 3 hours ago, AntKeeper said:

    Mr.D, it is absolutely not a problem that we are not able to build lands inside the other lands. I didn't like that before too so I like more clear view now. But something should be invented to have the ability to play inside huge lands too.

    One more question. What about the wars now? When there was huge amount of small lands anybody could rather quickly capture some of them. 

    Actually I agree with your points.

    I have a land of 3,5 km radius now. I can capture new lands only when I move from a base to another, or I make some trip out of the city. 

    Also I see the problem with wars with new players.

  2. I suggested a sort of 'maintenance cost' in order to make not too easy to have big lands. So I cannot dislike this upgrade. We are all shocked because there was no cost before and there is now. If the game was this way since the beginning it would have seemed just normal. Big lands come with more resources inside, so you have increasingly more resources to pay for increasingly bigger lands.

    I also think some big players (and myself) have some disadvantage, but this logic may help smaller players in comparison.

    I see as a bigger problem the one about the things we cannot do when we are at the base, or at the center of a lvl100+ land. We cannot enlarge the lands anymore, and more options will be available in the future. That's fine, I'm waiting for those more options because otherwise the game is quite boring. In am confident that in some future release there will be enough to play, let's say, one or two hours at a time even if I stay home. 

    Adding some sort of guilds, online chats and the like would be already good enough I think.

    • Like 1
  3. I have another idea about this.

    What if the attack time (at least the time before the first wave) depends on the distance from the base?

    It would make sense that I can attack the land close to my base easily, maybe even with no waiting time if it is at 0 distance. However if the defender is far, I would have to wait much time, and he has the time to organize a defence.

    This might be a way to incentive a regular distribuition of players in the territory.

    This would make the position of the base an important thing. Now it doesn't matter much.

    What do you think?

    • Like 1
  4. 46 minutes ago, Mr. D said:

    1000 Personnel costs 500 Unobtainium and no one's been generous enough to pay that much for a single battle. :)

    The first in the Top Game Supporters list has a value of 6690. Is that Unobtaimium quantity? Is that a real player?

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, The one true king said:

    look mine below really follows the circle

    Did you collect resources with satellite before making the screenshot?

    Mr. D seems to confirm that for resources collection squares are used.

    However this is not the case for capturing land, which is the subject of this thread.

  6. Hi,

    when I zoom out, the flags on the map get grouped. 

    This is ok to avoid confusion, but for more clarity I would suggest something:

    Right now if there is let's say, two green flags and one red flag, when I zoom out I may see only one green flag. I miss the information that another player is there. So it would be good if flags could be grouped by color.

    If it is not possible, at least I would like the grouped flags to be different than normal ones, maybe a different shape or another color. So I can understand that this is not a simple flag but I need to zoom in in order to see all proper flags.

  7. If I remember correctly, Mr.D said that the circles are actually considered to be squares for the game mechanics. 

    Acrually, since I collect resources with the satellite, I can see that resources are out of a square-like area:



  8. I agree, but unfortunately accordiing to Mr. D there will not be big changes anymore in the game. How could you optimize it with some little change? do you have any idea?

  9. 21 minutes ago, Joris said:

    The borders just don't feel 'real' if there's a territory that is posessed by two players.

    That is right, however consider that those two players (if not allied) are always in competition. Every time a land is upgraded there is an attack on the enemy lands, which will become smaller and smaller.

    So this is a unstable situation.  You see a territory possessed by two players only when a fight is occurring between two active players. One of them will eventually win, and in normal peaceful situation a territory is always possessed by one player.

    At least I see it in this way to justify it. It is different than in other more traditional games where you own a land, or you own not. There is not a real border.  But I don't see it as a big problem.

    • Like 1
  10. Just some simulations. Let's say that a level 100 land could have a radius of 500m as it is now.

    The corresponding level 1 land would be 1/100 of the area, that is a circle with radius of 50 meters.

    When two lands level 100 merge, the level 200 land would have a radius of 707m.

    20 minutes ago, Ruvox said:

    der players who put much in the game don't have those resource problems new players have. For me this is one of the main reasons to expand.

    This would still be true, but in a more fair way in my opinion.

    22 minutes ago, Ruvox said:

    Gaining control of a whole city would definitely take you some time and many many upgrades but I get your point.

    Well, it depends on how big is the city. Anyway I'm glad that you see the point.

    24 minutes ago, Ruvox said:

    When merging 2 level 100 lands just allow them to be the doubled size (or something similar maybe 2.5 times)

    Why 2 or 2.5 times? Isn't it much more elegant to just increase the area always of the same amount (as it is now for the radius)?

  11. Hi,

    I have a suggestion that might be a nonsense, but I'd like to write it anyway:

    I see that every land upgrade increase the radius always of the same fixed amount. Since a level 100 land has a radius of 500m, every level is supposed to increase the radius of 5 meters. 

    In this way I see some problems even if  considered negligible so far:

    1- the land upgrades increase the area in different way. If the land is at low level an upgrade will have a little area increase, if the land is at high level an upgrade will have a big area increase. So players that have few lands at high level have much more area than players with many flags at low level, even if they did the same amount of land upgrades. It doesn't look fair to me, first for the leaderboards and the country leaders, but especially because the land contains resources.

    2-when two lands level 100 merge, the resulting land level 200 doesn't have the area which is the sum of the other two, but it has a much larger area. The player gets a huge area with a single update, with all resources inside, so it is a big advantage. And this effect increase when the level is 300, 400 etc. 

    3- in this way a single land upgraded to high level covers a huge area. A single player may get control of an entire city too easily, considering that in a city there might be hundreds or thousands of different players


    Which can be the solution? 

    Instead of increasing the radius of a fixed amount when upgrading a land, increase the area of a fixed amount. 

    This can be easily done with a little mathematics. 


    1- the area will actually reflect the effort in capturing land, since every land upgrade counts always for the same amount.

    2-when lands merge the players will gain a fair amount of land, not a huge amount suddently.

    3- there won't be huge circles anymore so easily. And probably the initial land can also be a little bigger than the tiny spot that is now.


    Well, probably this suggestion will remain only theoretical, but I had nothing to do this evening so I wrote it. 

  12. Hi,

    I got two resource stations.

    Then I wanted to upgrade their time, so I bought the "Station Technician II" perk (I already had the first).

    The time of the stations is still the same. I guess it would work only if I get the perk BEFORE the station? Is that how it is supposed to work?

  13. Yes, I also noted that the timer is not very precise when you go out of the game, then come back after some minutes. I just need to change tab and then go back to Earth View, then the timer shows the right value.

  14. I will try some suggestion. 

    The idea that the presence on the base can have a defence boost is good. I would extend it to any land. So a player that have few lands to defend and is really present on territory could defend even against much stronger players.

    In general I would say that it should be increasingly difficult to defend lands as you get more of them. Actually right now I see that you can gain resouces easily with the satellite if you have much land, while a player at the beginning with a little land has to travel around in order to get resources. It should be the other way around: if you have much land you should somehow work in order to keep it... maybe a maintaining cost?

    • Like 1
  15. 48 minutes ago, The one true king said:

    No i said of you plant 30 flags a day statistically you should get 1 Or 2 stations. I plant 30 more or less as minumum a day. 

    If you mean planting new flags than I do not plant 30 new flags a day. Maybe 1 or 2 in average. If you mean upgrading existing lands, then yes I do it about 30 times a day.

  16. 8 hours ago, The one true king said:

    there was my ridiculous sudden increase in the recent days. But do note my land is huge and I am very active. On a bad day i would do 30 claims, which means 2 stations statistically...



    You get two stations a day??

    I am very active too. I brought four lands from level 1 to level 100, merging into a level 400 land. The base nearby from level 1 went to level 15. And in all this process I don't remember seeing a single base.

  17. Now I tried to use the "load surrounding" function (the camera in the tooltips), from some lands a bit more far away.

    In this way I found just one personnel resource station. 

    However I've never seen stations on the surroundings of my base, loaded by default.

  18. Ok it might be further away, but should it be visible in the map anyway, even if I stay in the base? 

    If I have to move some km in order to uncover them, then I might have missed them. ( I moved, but didn't pay much  attention to the surroundings). But if I should be able to see them just browsing in the map, then I confirm that I've never seen any. 

    Look near Bologna, Italy and see if it is different from Netherlands.

  19. 5 minutes ago, Mr. D said:

    Well, resource stations appear whenever someone establishes a new base (e.g. new player joining nearby or someone creating their 2+ base) or whenever your base reaches next level.
    There is a small chance (roughly 5%) of a station appearing after you capture land, but that doesn't happen too often

    My second base is level 15 so I had 15 chances to see a resource station. Also I have a land level 400, so with the 5% chance I should have seen 20 resource stations. But I didn't.

  20. You have so much and I have nothing...

    I saw resource stations only for few days after I entered in the game. Then I haven't see any anymore. 

    Especially in my second base. If I remember correctly, I've never seen a single resource station near it.

    Am I only unlucky and I just have to wait longer?

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