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Domination: Earth


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Everything posted by Grizzlyfilms

  1. Thanks for making a warlord role something to figth for
  2. True, but morale could mabye be a thing 0,05%better? Army But yea something that Will make more sence to figth to be the warlord Like a green name in game or a sticker
  3. We Also talked about that warlords should get some small bonuses (but really small) talking about Atomic A few Examples: •few meter bigger range to collection (0,5-5m mabye) • bigger morale to army (youst a little better army) (0,5-4% better?) • youst something more to make a warlord role give meaning • a banner for the profile? • a shield for the profile?
  4. Yup but something i think U should look mat at is the discord server
  5. But do U got flyers i can send out and put my name in and some more info or do i need to make them myself? I Can make them myself if U want to save time. So if more Ppl in my Area play the game (i am probably the couse)
  6. I Also saw the new leaderboard. Will translation be a support for the game that Will come om the board. And i am Also thinking about putting flyers in mailboxes and hang them om walls. Also trying to get ppl to play the game. When someone register Will IT be good to ask them how they found the game? And if U need help with something, i am here Bjornms@live.no
  7. But how much money do you her when one person watch one ad?
  8. IT Will not spist ass to you face if U have a extra Menu that is daily and Can ONLY be dine ones og twice a day. Watch a ad to get a spin or something. But i understand what you Are saying. But case clicker 2 have that consept and i like it becouse you Are not forced to watch the ad.
  9. Ha en U seen my ideas for how U Can make money in the game?
  10. I don't think IT Will be checked (like ever) until a update I have done IT but i diddn't get another objektive
  11. The DE discord Chanel is a good way to talk with players
  12. In the discord chat er Are talking about how i Can make money, one thing is sellig maps and mabye Skinstad or some stuff to make the profile cool like wallpaper or some other visual stuff Therese Are many ways but do not spam ads
  13. I think more options would be Nice • individual land •biggest level •allys •personell •supplies •most buildings • all the money, supplies and personell all the buildings Are worth You name IT this is youst eksamples (To make more options inn the game) to fill up Holes do it's not bare bones
  14. 10 money is like nothing and U have the money om you (i think there is a Max) And basicly most og what U say have ben Said before or had ben answerd And please look at the other questions for more understanding Also join the DE discord Chanel og U wanna talk with the players and wanna het help (and more) I can let Mr.D "from the YouTube Chanel Node" (don't think he is that guy tbh) take the rest https://discord.gg/uMyjPTz
  15. How long have U played the game? You Can get some answers in the other questions
  16. Ok, thanks! I think IT would be Nice and cool if you had credits (Also the translators) And i am working om the translation for Norway 😀 But i can't attack anymore, what happened? You should mabye do some more options to the alliances (see the territorry) i wrote some stuff om the past. Can't wait until the Next update And i talked to the top guy in sweden and i think the attack/defence system should be better (Transfer troops to allys)
  17. I Can see that the game is getting slower and out og cynk Is that becouse of all the new players? Do you need better servers? Is IT possible to share a small amount of processing power from our phones to help out? Mabye get a small reward (a few meters bigger pickup area) I think i at least could share some processing power
  18. Yes, i'm Norwegian
  19. Is there a way that i can help with a Norwegian text for the game? And get the attack and defence better please, i want to be able to do something with my army Also mabye vet more political options and more to do when you Are waiting 15 Ally stuff: •Be able to see them •send volentier troops •and more But IT would be Nice with more than one map option that U Can turn on and off om the options like what the map show •land •flag on land •enemy •supply •personell •gold •and a oxygen not included gass style (show rufly the area) (Can be usefull og U want to know where stuff mostly Are) And i could explain more bjornms@live.no Snap: grizzlyfilms42 I Also have kik, discord, Skype and messenger
  20. And a better way to transfer armys Also the ability to draw battleplans (something to do) Truck to transfer armys Be able to send army to Ally Be able to send a message to a player and tell them to talk on discord
  21. I have Said before that cars, tanks, planes etc. Should be om the game. Can you Also do something that you could do while you Are waiting 15min to upgrade land (something diplomatic) i really want to have more options om the game (more stuff to do)
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