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Domination: Earth

Republic of America

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Republic of America last won the day on December 13 2019

Republic of America had the most liked content!

About Republic of America

  • Birthday December 1

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  1. That's for addressing this 👍 I've been kicked out of Google login so i cannot play so I look forward to 2.0.
  2. Great ideas! I definitely agree with almost everything you suggested. Also, are you back friend?
  3. This is a very very old thread and as far as we can tell the odds are slim we will ever see an alliance system that is fully functional and useable. However deal with this players have banded together and formed a few different Alliances (all of the names escape me at this moment). We also have a very large discord, that'll I'll link below it helps you get in contact with her players and form/find alliances. I'm a member of the largest one, the URAS, but please feel free to join the community and then select your alliance. Official DE Discord https://discord.gg/UwWGzP URAS Website: https://urasoffical.wixsite.com/uras URAS Official Discord: https://discord.gg/tgeJD65
  4. Thank you. I find this update of idea extremely refreshing compared to the former system. I do however have 2 questions 1) does this mean it will constantly be pinging my GPS? 2) Will I be able to "start" my travels from a utility structure even if I cannot end them there? And does this 1 for 1 expand? (Eg, I travel 100 km I get 100 points not a interest system)?
  5. I really like both ideas 1 and 3. Number 1 would be difficult to implement I'm sure but would again make allies relevant (at least in foreign areas)
  6. It was sarcasm. Also, you are right. Also, Irrelevants, stop it. I'm not doing this with you right now.
  7. Great solution! Oh... But that might require development 🤔
  8. My frustration with this is pretty huge. Really I don't have much to say except to indicate that I find it hugely annoying that rather than fixing holes with the current system it's just being gutted. If my car has bad brakes and needs new tires I don't throw out the car I just replace them. This is a situation that I feel you should have done something to replace the bad tires of the mechanics rather than throw the whole car out. (Oh, and tell us "just use Uber!")
  9. Look, as it is well known by the community, I have been very doubtful of the games future. That being said I recently took a road trip and got several lands high enough to make the bases with just minimal amount of U$ (about 25$ worth USD) I'm here to ask straight up, should I spend the money or are you going to reset the game/sunset this soon? Like honestly, love the game but we haven't seen anything meaningful in months... Is this still a project worth our time or should we come back in 2.0?
  10. Can we please just lock this thread already? This is chaotic and ineffective whatsoever.
  11. Yeah. Your pretty much dead on 👌
  12. I have to say, I'm not much of an optimist and I'm very disappointed that it's just you deving it (because more = faster, not that you've done a poor job). However the update is welcome and makes me extremely excited to see what we will be seeing soon. The graphical redesign looks incredible and way way better, and we are excited for the rollout later this year. Thanks for the update.
  13. I question how much this game is still considerered "Under Dev" and how much it's leaning towards "Shelved"
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