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Domination: Earth

Minor text fixes


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You can see your amount of available resources in the construction tab under the text "Total collected resources:". Maybe it's just me but I think it sound like a stats entry displaying how many resources you collected in total while playing the game. How about changing the text to "Available resources:" , "Your resources:" , "Resources under control:" or something like that.

Btw stats like that would be awesome, too.

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Hmm.. I see what you're saying! Renamed to "Available resources"; change will appear in the next release whenever that happens. ;) 

I am planning to build a "leaderboard" type of page eventually; we may not have the data on total collected resources at the moment (as it's just too much information for our database :)), but something similar will definitely be there!

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  • 5 weeks later...

I just encountered an error message while being in the train. I totally understand that the GPS is not accurate enough and or the anti cheat protection is stopping me from capturing land. But I get the same error message no matter if I try to capture land or try to collect resources. Maybe Introduce a second error message like " You can not collect resources on this location! Please move to another spot or try again later!" for this.
Additionally, what does the toast say to me and am I supposed to get this toast? I looks pretty much like an intern message. 



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Hi! :)

Judging by the screenshot with the weird toast it looks like you've had no internet connection when the game was launched, so the app didn't receive any translation texts from the cloud.

When that happens the easiest solution is to re-open the game after you get connected again. :) But I'm planning to look into some offline fallback options as well. ;)

But your actual message says "Resources are ready for collection" (from My Lands tab) :)

As for diversifying messages in general - makes sense, will see what can be done!

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