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Domination: Earth


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Posts posted by Grizzlyfilms

  1. Tag the enemy land as an interest for you (to get more diplomatic options and more feling)

    Go trough a diplomatic option to slowly make the enemy polulation on your side and stuff 

    If you played HOI4 and stellaris mabye you can get some ideas from those games

    Give the option to tax/treath to tax (they. An keeper the land but must give something.


  2. Part. 2 (stuff from other threads and Mr. D tildelt med to have ideas on this tread) i really Hope i posted in the rigth one this time.

    You have a list og all the players in the world and if you klick om one then IT shows rufly where they Are( painted ca. On the map)  there is Also an options to write down a name and IT Will pop up.

    You Can trade posisions (and the grade om how much you show and if i is rufly) 

    More options in diplomatic.

    And a global chat or something.


    Trade vassals.

    Demand vassalisation.

    Independence garantied.


    Send support to a player.



    Reward for rating the game.

    Call to arms.

    More country settings.

    Flag, face, stats, estimated army, estimated money, estimated supplies, estimated stuff, relationship, warnings to players like: do not claim there! Etc.

    Game stats like lifetime (hours plates, gold lifetime, supply lifetime, walked lifetime, attacked lifetime, army lifetime, allies lifetime, etc.

    And btw i am willing to hang out posters on walls for a small amount of personell and i can give photo evedence too. If you want to make the poster that is fine or i can make IT. Or a reward could be that you have a own options in the side bar that there is people WHO hjelpes the game and stuff mabye i could be there.

    The game do not tur off the screen when you Are moving options (i am bisycling some times and the screen goes black and i do not want to do something in my normal options every time i  god out.

    Lotion that tell the game screen to Follos you posisjon when moving.

    Make the country more like an country.


  3. Name the capital and name territorry


    Also mabye have sectors om the game that people Can figth for and get territorry (mabye an national park) (that in green om the map) or make a sectors by them selves or mabye make an sector sugestion and ask if IT Can be a sector

  4. What about an super rare power-up that when activated wherever you go a trale of land is being made 

    Or normaly when you go you leave a trail of wt (wanned territorry) or i have been her! The more you go there the stronger it gets and you kinda own IT but Also kinda don't you kinda claimed IT but kinda don't


    Make independence to a place

  5. What if you click the flagg button and IT do the cirkle thing but og two Are close and you mabye click the flag in the Middle of those two and then they make soemting more like an real country and if there is land surrounding not lanfæd the not land becomen land

    "The attack Will be like making less og this land and to protect you have armys placed (you place them) and walls and towers (brush om deg area) attacking Will then be more indept too AS IT is Nice to have scouts

    When you say someone is the superior in a country Can you Also country army and buildings?


    Plz more options diplomatic like in hoi4 and stellaris 


    Stats like superior


    Different map like opinion and power and deg and population


    Another idea with land is when you Are inside the cirkle and push the flag button the land expand more to the way you Are placed 

  6. Part. 1

    Nice to see allys

    Indept territorry



    Willages witch gives personell or mabye willages gives population and you need another building like  academy to get personell (makes trading more likely)



    Transport truck

    Bombers, guns, food, artillery, special operations you get the point

    unions or defensive pact and make the game better at diplomatic stuff

    Rewardsystem like in battle cats

    Fix the facrory/source of money (they despawned a week after i caputured them)

    Indept attack

    Something to help the beginners in the game

    Millitary base

    Claim that kinda claim (Can be Seen as stripes) like territorry (mabye to show that you DON'T want people to take it) you DON'T get much from doing IT "plz dont make IT like a cirkle but more like an country" and how U caputure IT Can you decide "mark A place and send your army or something"

    Have your army in different gruops 


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