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Domination: Earth


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X157 last won the day on December 13 2017

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  1. Captured land until it got to L100. Call it A. Moved to another location (B) and got it to a L100, but turned out the two were not close enough to overlap so I had two L100's. If I can get a new capture somewhere between them, they should all combine. I captured location C until it reached L100. At 99 it clearly overlapped B, with a tiny overlap into A. At 100 C and B combined into a L200 which now clearly overlaps A but A is still a L100. I have put a new capture in the overlap location between A & B but I have my doubts about them all combining when it reaches L100. Is this the expected behavior?
  2. I made a bad assumption that it was 5 activations. I understand the term recharge now.
  3. Received and tried the supermagnet yesterday. Before use it said recharge 5/5, which gave me the impression that I would get 5 uses. When I used it, I could not see it in the active list and now it is completely gone. I did use other power-ups at the same time.
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