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  1. Over the last few months I received over a dozen emails with complaints about us not allowing to use Fake GPS in the game, questions "why?" and relevant "ideas & suggestions", most of which are unfortunately very unlikely to appear in our game. Not to reiterate myself any further I've decided to create this post and answer the future enquiries of similar nature in advance. "Why is Fake GPS not allowed?" It's very simple, really! We've built a game for real-world travellers, explorers of our planet or those who just need a reason to go outside more. Accordingly, not going outside and not exploring our planet while playing this game, but still achieving the same results "as if you did" is considered unfair and really uncool. "But I can't go outside and I never travel!" Well, that really is unfortunate and I'm sorry about your situation! I am a bit confused as to what attracted you to download a travel-based game in the first place though! I could suggest a list of my favourite offline & online games that don't require real-world travels, but I think it's easy enough to find them via Google search or just by visiting the Play Market / App Store. The thing is, there are billions of games oriented on those who don't want to / can't go outside and so few games doing the opposite that trying to forcefully adapt "Domination: Earth" to suit your stationary needs is just greedy (think about all those bored travellers who don't have anything to play while hiking)! "But there's no wi-fi outside! I can't play if I leave the house!" As we're talking about real-world exploration and outdoor travels the requirement of a GPS-enabled device with 2G/3G/4G internet is automatically implied, but we're really sorry if that mobile service is not available in your region yet. However, we don't believe it's fair to bring your car to a horse race just because you don't own a horse, if you know what I mean... "But I'm not harming anyone! I only pick up small resources and items in inaccessible locations!" Sorry, but you really do harm someone (all of us, actually). Imagine if I said the following: "I will give you 10 dollars if you go outside and walk around my house for an hour or 100 dollars if you stay and don't go anywhere at all." Which option would you choose? I bet there isn't a single person in the world who'd choose less money for a greater amount of effort unless there's something really wrong with my house (a vicious rabid dog...? ). The same applies to motivation & incentive within travel-based games. If we start allowing fake GPS then I can no longer be bothered to waste my time going to pick up a bunch of resources when I can pick up all of them (or even some of them / "a tiny little bit") without even breaking a sweat. Seriously, I'm not; I'm losing interest just thinking about it... and so is every other player of this game. "But no one else is playing in my area!" So if there are no other customers it is ok to shoplift in a supermarket? Anyway, if that is the case and you really like our game to an extent of not wishing to search for any other non-travel-based alternative we would be extremely grateful if you spread the word and introduced some friends to "Domination: Earth" instead of trying to break it. "I think you will lose a lot of potential players if you stick to that approach!" And these would be the players that we intended to lose when the game was designed, it's called "not being part of a target audience". All games have these; you're not going to force me into playing "Peppa Pig" and I'm sure that a 1 year old would not be interested in "Call of Duty" either. So I can't really say that non-travellers not being interested in "Domination: Earth" is an unpleasant surprise! "I still think you're wrong..." And we appreciate you sharing these thoughts. Thankfully, in this day and age it's really easy to build your own game that works exactly as you like and follows any rules that you do agree with, so we promise not to critique your design choices when you decide to build one. "Ok, I do feel bad about cheating now; I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that you'd notice, but now I'm banned!" We really believe in second chances, which is why all bans are account-specific, i.e. you can always register a new account and start playing again. Unfortunately though, as much as we appreciate your honesty and repentance we really can't unlock banned accounts since they still contain illegally obtained resources/lands/bases. But please do message me if you'd like to have that account removed, e.g. if you'd need to free the email address / display name / lands title, I'm always happy to help start from a clean slate!
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