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Domination: Earth

S Keillan

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Posts posted by S Keillan

  1. I one time accidentally sent an army to another player, mistakenly thinking it was a FoT land. I retreated before any combat began and apologized for the scare. I believe that was before the current war system so we didn't go through a whole process. (We allied to prevent this from reoccurring.) Just saying that a war could happen by accident that way. 

  2. The map filters are rather nice. It might be useful for the Forces of Terror to have their own selection but I do not quibble.

    The filters do not stay off whenever I leave and return to the app. They are all on by default at startup. I do not know if that is a bug or a feature, but I bring that up just in case.

  3. 16 hours ago, Eerienkah said:

    Could it be just a coincidence? Like 12 that can be both x3 and x4.

    Nope. I managed to get a screenshot of a scrape. The +27 money cannot be a multiple of four but is definitely a multiple of three.

    I'm not too worried about which is the correct value. I'm just noting the inconsistency.


  4. 42 minutes ago, Eerienkah said:

    Is there a screenshot? I don't have that perk yet 😊

    Attached is a screenshot of the perk. I do not have one of a scrap but the values always seem to be multiples of three, so I am presuming that it is a ×3 multiplier.


  5. I managed to save up Peacekeeping Points to get Scrap Master II. However, it appears that instead of a ×4 bonus as the Perk tab suggests, it is giving a ×3 bonus instead. Just wondering which figure should be correct.

  6. On 4/16/2018 at 11:19 PM, Badskoolkid said:

    So as you click the capture land button every 15 minutes, your base will progress and after so much it will level up

    The base land technically cannot grow with captures. It grows only with the expansion of the base, and that comes from base points.

    I say technically as there was that bug where a capture of base land could happen. I am quite sure that occurred with my main base as the land is three levels higher than my base level. I also recall one instance of such a capture.

  7. I certainly did use the Nearest Land when there wasn't the map icons and when one had to physically be near a land to build or upgrade a building. This was also when there was a 500 m buffer between lands and thus plenty of room to select a land. Now that remote building is possible and there could be multiple lands in proximity, the Nearest Land tab can actually be in error. I've seen that on my wife's account where it favors a large nearby land over a smaller one that she's actually on.

    The bases are indeed important. Probably could retitle the tab as My Bases.

    • Like 1
  8. I've been giving it some thought about the My Lands tab and the annoyance of the nearby land loading after the bases. It would not be too bad if it were simply lag, but sometimes the nearby land disappears, probably because of GPS drift. This makes that tab a bit unpredictable.

    My question is why do we even need the nearby land to be on that tab? I have gotten to the point where I use the map to access functions of lands, using the My Lands tab to interact only with bases. About the only time I might use the nearby land on that tab is inside my big land to add a structure, but I doubt that would be reason enough to keep that. Removing the nearby land would solve the issue with lag at little cost.

    • Like 1
  9. I have gotten my spousal unit to start playing 😊 and she is growing her lands inside my large land. As my territory has quite a few structures in it, there is some difficulty in parsing out who owns what at a glance. This will presumably be worse once she achieves a Level 100+ land and starts building structures herself.

    Hence, I would respectfully request that the map have the ability to filter various features, such as the player's lands, allies' lands, structures of each, etc. This would make the map more useful in dense regions and perhaps speed up loading with given items turned off.

    • Like 2
  10. I've given it a few days, but my notifications have not returned to normal. The notifications themselves have been inconsistent and generally do not match capture and collection times. The capture alerts sometimes seem to match, but I haven't directly compared them with a clock.

  11. I believe notifications are messed up again. I think it started last night that alerts for captures and collection are not in sync with the timer. This appears in the game itself as I get a pop-up message that it is ready to collect, but I still have 40 minutes on that timer. This appears to be different than the previous issue.

  12. 1 hour ago, Grizzlyfilms said:

    Is there a bug in the updates?

    I do not know if this is what you refer to, but with the change in the My Lands list, I notice that my bases load immediately while my current land takes a couple of seconds to load. It gets a touch annoying when I try to tap on a base then see that I hit the wrong button due to the lag. I probably just need to get used to the change and give it a second or two to fully load.

    • Like 1
  13. I am running the app on my Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge and I have not been getting notifications for captures or collections. This was working fine this morning but has ceased. I do not notice any changes to notifications on my end.

  14. 2 hours ago, Mr. D said:

    Sorry, as stated in the original post it's not supposed to appear in the Wars list; a fix has been released!
    Please let me know if you still see AI in the list. ;)

    The AI is gone. It's annoying that one cannot win a war against FoT. Guess that is like in real life. 🤐

  15. Good to check on this. I'm looking at establishing a base just outside of my 100 km zone and wanted to know how the overlap zone would work. Definitely using nearest base is the most reasonable policy.

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  16. Mr. D has a rule against offensive content, and given that there is no age restriction, references to certain anatomical parts should definitely be right out. References to current and former political figures might be a trickier situation as opinions on them vary wildly. For example, should we prohibit references to the current U.S. president, an arguably polarizing figure? What of Brexit given certain undertones of that action?

    My guess is that unless a logical rationale can be made for such, it would be best to steer clear of those. We certainly do not want to inject animus into the game.

    My 2p.

  17. This might be a weird thing to complain about, but within my Level 100+ land, I do a Capture Land operation to upgrade my Sentry Turret that I sit on. However, it seems like every other time I do so it acts as a Tracking Satellite, collecting all resources on my big land. My guess is that if resources currently exist then it gathers rather than generate new. I'll try some things to see if that is the case.

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