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Found 3 results

  1. I'm about to go on a long distance trip from TX to AR about 257 mi (413 km) and plan to build a base there, is there any precautions I can take to not get blocked by anti spoof tech?
  2. Time for another update! Look for 1.14.2 on the Play Store within the hour; the same version will be added to the App Store later this week. Featuring: it is now possible to capture resource stations remotely within 500m from yourself by pressing the "Flag" button inside their tooltip window (appearing when pressed on the station's map icon). This has been done because of the fact that too many stations appear in wild areas that have zero cell coverage, but unlike standalone resources stations can't be picked up using item bonuses, so there was just no way to reach some of them! Each marker tooltip now contains a "Distance" indicator, showing how far that resource/land/station is from yourself. Distance is calculated from the blue dot appearing on Earth View and will update in real-time as the dot moves. Hopefully this helps a bit in terms of planning when and what to activate item-wise, as well as which lands can be upgraded remotely. Tracked Players window should once again be functional. Allies and Force of Terror now have differently coloured flags on Earth View: blue for Allies and brown-ish orange for the Ai. As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback.
  3. hello! i created the land of 100 level. I want to put a new land near the hi level land. I am go to 550 m from center of land and try take the new land. But i get a message: "my land have a max level. i get a new resources on the map". After 15 minutes i was go to 50 m still and try again. But message as in first time. What distance from center of the land need go to for take up a new land?
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