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Domination: Earth

Mr. D

Domination: Staff
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Everything posted by Mr. D

  1. Hmm, sorry for that! It would appear as if your device got registered with the push notification provider more than once... will investigate.
  2. Hi all, Version 2.0.14 is now live on the Play Store and App Store, featuring the following changes: Fixed non-disappearing resource icons upon collection. Value picker (e.g. within "Mobilize Army") is now more responsive to single taps. Country leaderboards icon replaced with a more visible one. Fixed an intermittent issue causing the saved profile changes to be reverted. Resource bar should no longer flicker & disappear when switching from any tab to Earth View. As always, please post if you have any questions.
  3. Don't worry about it too much; falsified GPS coordinates are usually still different from wifi-related jumps (I have used airplane wifi myself in the past, it worked without any issues) and it's okay for something like that to happen once, as long as you're not constantly abusing it and there's a pattern. Also even if you do get incorrectly blacklisted by the anti-cheat (chances of which are quite low) you can always message me and request a manual review, explaining your situation.
  4. Hi, Just tell me your in-game display name or lands title and I'll help out. Please note though that this is a forum for "Domination: Earth"; if you are actually taking about any other domination then you're in the wrong place, we are not affiliated with any other game with a similar title. 🙂
  5. That looks super useful, thanks very much for your efforts producing this guide! Are "[Link] [Link]" in "Anything missing from this guide will be found there." supposed to be links though or is this a placeholder for future documents?
  6. Sorry for a delay in response, I just managed to look into this last night. I believe the problem should now be solved, but please note that an expired resource station is still going to allow you collect its resources once after expiring. Being able to collect more resources (2nd or 3rd time) after that will be classified as a bug, so please let me know if it's still happening.
  7. Hi all, Version 2.0.12 is now live on the App Store and Play Store, featuring a number of visual fixes and adjustments aimed at older devices (e.g. Android 4.4 - 6.0, iOS < 13). The fixes primarily affect the position, shape and colour of hexagonal buttons, window frames and progress bars. Please post if you have any questions.
  8. Hi, Sorry for that, there should be another update on the app store for that; please check (2.0.11)!
  9. Hi all, Version 2.0.10 is now live on the Play Store & App Store and features the following changes: Adjusted Unobtainium exchange prices, more information in this thread: Added the ability to transfer parts of an army between bases by selecting the number of soldiers to move (selecting "0" moves all of them, as it used to happen previously). Fixes to Polish translations (thanks to @Олег Поленин! ) Please post if you have any questions!
  10. Yes, sorry, completely forgot that the subscriptions are affected as well! The update is also now live on the Play Store.
  11. Hi all, In light of recent tax & payment processor fee increases we've had to readjust our Unobtainium prices as well: Individual units (buying Unobtainium 1 by 1) are now more expensive; unfortunately, at the previous price the value of these transactions started approaching zero; we can't exist solely for the purpose of paying Google for processing your card. The first couple of packages slightly rose in price as well. To compensate for that the prices of all the larger packages has been dropped and provides an even more significant discount. It is no longer possible to purchase more than 100 Unobtainium at a time. Some of these changes may not appear correctly in the app version of 2.0.9 or lower; version 2.0.10 has been submitted to the Play Store and App Store to fix that, but both of these are still in review (by Google and Apple respectively). Until the update is live I would be grateful if you didn't select packages that offer "x0 Unobtainium" (or similar); they will not reward you with any resources. The correct price list (in GBP) as of version 2.0.10 is as follows: Of course, you will see these values converted to your local currency automatically. Please post if you have any questions.
  12. Hmm... that shouldn't be happening, I'll investigate tonight! Can you please try again though and tell me if anything's changed now (after my post)?
  13. Not really; there was no conspiracy, if that's what you're thinking. Will share after the problem is confirmed to be gone for good!
  14. Hi and welcome! You can activate items outside of your base, i.e. once you physically travel beyond the base's circle. While you're in there you can replenish your inventory only. Really happy to hear that you're enjoying the have though! Let me know if there is anything else I can help with!
  15. Hey guys, Just wanted to say that I may have found the culprit behind the daily downtime last night; please let me know if it still happens.
  16. It's one of the features that's been sitting in my task list for a very long time, but the only reason it isn't there yet is just the lack of time from my end (more critical issues took priority), sorry. I'm sure the appropriate UI will be built one day in the future though!
  17. The reason we have these costs is, unfortunately, to prevent "couching exploits" that forced the introduction of travel points in the first place. Allowing to delete lands would potentially introduce more of such exploits: achieve maximum level in one spot without any travels, delete the land, start over again (what people used to do with the utility structures). I could introduce the facility decreasing your base level when a land is deleted, but then people will start "selling" these lands to another player or their own second throwaway account (which will perform the delete and suffer the consequences). To counterbalance that we'd need to start introducing the base level penalty when selling lands, but that discourages land trade and leads to new problems... as you can see, this has a spiral effect leading to more rules & restrictions, which ultimately make the game less enjoyable (as always, all the fun is ruined by those who can't play by the rules ). I will have a think about possible ways to improve the merge cost formula though.
  18. My pleasure! 😄 Really glad to hear that you liked the update!
  19. Hi all, 2.0.9 is now available on both App Store & Play Store, featuring the following changes: Adjusted font sizes throughout the app and a different font for non-English languages. Fixed "Messages" window size for non-English languages. Fixed an issue with map filters getting reset momentarily after tracking targets. Added an experimental module running only on Android 4.4 - 6.0 aimed at resolving visual discrepancies with the latest versions of the OS. Please post if you have any questions.
  20. Hi all, Version 2.0.8 is now live on the App Store and Play Store, featuring the following changes: "Upgrade" button for buildings placed on the level 100+ lands is back. Decreased loading time of the initial flags on Earth View, allowing to capture lands quicker after the app has launched. Several small fixes and minor visual adjustments here and there. Please post if you have any questions.
  21. Hi @Smorrebrod, My apologies for all the confusion; your initial assumption was 100% correct - all you need to do is press the "Collect Resources" button. Unfortunately, it seems that we are experiencing an intermittent issue where certain stations would take up to 24 hours to get linked to your base properly; it is not supposed to happen and I will look into fixing that bug as a priority. I have applied a manual fix to your claimed station for now so the "Collect Resources" button should start working again (please let me know if it doesn't!). Updated: a fix has been released, so the issue should no longer occur and all stations will get linked with the base instantly.
  22. Wohoo! Thanks for confirming, I was worried that you're still unable to login. Really happy that all this waiting has paid off.
  23. Affirmative, the update is now live on both stores (App Store and Play Store). Please let me know if you still get stuck on the loading screen!
  24. Still no news from Google! It's been officially more than 7 days now.
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