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ValarMorghulis last won the day on September 12 2020

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  1. Most veterans of this game consider the FoT to be too weak and only serve to be a peacekeeping points farm. I'll throw in some pointers for you to help out with the FoT; - Don't attack unless you can spare the troops. At low level you can look at losses around 100-200 troops while killing the same amount. - Gather, upgrade and use characters and equipment to help you with the fights. Look at each characters and equipments strengths and pick those that help against the FoT. At low level these do not do much but at higher level you can look at losses around 20-50 troops while FoT still looses 100-200 meaning you don't need as many excess troops. - The FoT has different personalities depending on the day (It goes on an 24h cycle). Few of these are known mainly due to it being so obvious. Two of these are really important to know in your case; First personality is what some would call Beserker mode. In this mode the FoT will resupply it's troops crazy fast. It is practically impossible to delete all the soldiers on the FoT base in this mode unless you have really good characters and equipment. Avoid attacking on these days unless you are farming for Peacekeeping points. Second personality would be the idle one. This is the mode where the FoT does absolutely nothing other than defend if attacked. These are the days to attack if you wish to delete the FoT of the map with minimal effort. - There are several veteran players on the discord looking for juicy FoT farms to gather Peacekeeping points from so if you feel overrun and need help feel free to pop in and ask for help. If you don't use discord you can always message me here on the forums and we'll figure things out. You are not alone! 😊 Those are my main pointers on your problem and hope they help out even if just a little bit. I'd like to add a extra few just because; - Having a lvl 10 base and not being able to attack is a bug affected by those unlucky few and it requires a manual fix. Seeing the developer has responded to this topic, you should be fixed within 24 hours - PvP is generally frowned upon in the community so attacking someone might get you a harder response than that you were expecting. Lots of people have several alliances in the background who will more than happily come to a friends aid if attacked. Not saying you shouldn't, just giving you a friendly heads up 😁
  2. Kastor mentioned on Discord that scrapping doesn't work after new update. I tested it out as I hadn't updated the game yet and can confirm. Scrapping worked fine before updating but after updating I now get this error message:
  3. If you have upgraded the perk that grants you more than one item then yeah, that was the issue. If you are trying to make 3 items but only have space for two or less you will get that "must be present on base" error. Regarding this new one, I don't know. Looks like the cooldown was activated though. Did you get any new items?
  4. This is an old "bug" (more of a false error). You are full on storage. You need to upgrade your warehouse or delete some of your other powerups to make space
  5. Are you sure about that? @Irrelevents tried this out and confirmed this to not be the case unless there is more specific conditions to do it.
  6. So a new resource gathering meta during lategame has born. Step 1. After you have made a huge land (usually at home/work/school) move your base there. Step 2. When low on resources just spawn the resource you need non-stop every 30 seconds until desired amount has been spawned. Step 3. Use tracking satellite to pick up all those resources that spawned on your mega-land. Step 4. ??? Step 5. Profit. All of this can be done in the comfort of your own homes COUCH 😉 Please note: You will have to do a super magnet run every now and then to sweep those resources that spawned outside of your mega-lands radius though I don't see this as much of a problem as this will not happen that often as you will surely accumulate enough resources to last you a long time especially since no real useful resource sink has yet been introduced (This post is obviously supposed to be taken as satire. My wish is to only point out a possible couching method if deemed as such)
  7. In the past? We still have atleast one active you know? Richest leaderboard is also bugged and frozen and has been like that for ages
  8. This update semi-broke my game. Whenever I open the game I get the screen shown below. I have waited tens of minutes without any change so safe to say nothings loading. However I am able to use the tabs my lands, perks and quests and if I switch back to earth view, everything starts working. But having to shuffle between the tabs everytime to get map and flag button to open is probably not a intended feature 😁 I'm coming in late with this report since I didn't update until today but also confirming it was this update.
  9. Wait, what? I have yet to capture a new land after the "rename lands"-update so I have not seen the popup yet but I thought it was inserted into the original "You have captured a new flag"-message popup. I was quite surprised to learn about it being in a different popup after the initial one. You are right though, 3 popups would be annoying but 2 is too(😅). A confirmation message in some way is needed and a popup might be the only way to go. I would rather try and eliminate the rename popup and maybe hybrid it into the initial capture message? A simple "Name this land" and an input box would be enough. Thoughts?
  10. If you haven't yet stumbled upon powerups that you can make, I suggest joining the discord via the ingame link and we'd be more than glad to guide you on your adventures! If you can't use discord then hit me up and I'll gladly help you out. There are ways to clear out a whole city (Like Mr.D said) in a matter of minutes. I would write you a quick guide now and here but currently I'm short on time 😊
  11. Stacking attacks are apparently a thing too... I didn't even attack or anything. I just upgraded a turret on a +L100 land with no AI land beneath and after two caps got the following situation: And yes, same land being attacked
  12. I don't believe you. I've noticed that after the AI update they have become so triggerhappy that they disregard combat cooldown rules. See pics taken by @Max Siren
  13. I'd like to add that isn't the AI supposed to follow the same rules as human players? I'm sure they do not have the same 1 hour cooldown as us which makes no sense
  14. If you scroll out enough you can see your base reach radius which is the 100km as mentioned above. With this you can check if a land is outside the borders and if it will create a new base at level 5
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