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Domination: Earth

Mr. D

Domination: Staff
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Everything posted by Mr. D

  1. Mr. D

    Super Magnet Chance

    There really haven't been any changes to item chances or relevant mechanics. In fact, the first three items that I received after deleting all my unwanted radio transmitters were super magnets! So I'd try a few more times.
  2. Awesome, Polish would be very much welcome! Welcome to the group! "Game Localisation" forum should now appear for you.
  3. Thanks, Grizzlyfilms! The new leaderboard is populated automatically; Unobtainium purchase is the trigger that adds players there. So there will probably be a separate place with thanks to all the localisation managers. In regard to how people found the game, we sort of know this already thanks to Facebook campaign tracking and Google Analytics on domination.earth.
  4. Hi all, Version 1.11.4 is now available on the Play Store and contains the following changes: Italian language, for which we thank @marcofi and his unbelievably quick work on translating the game! New leaderboard: "Top Game Supporters". Listed are all players who've supported the game by purchasing any amount of Unobtainium. Again, it may take a while for this leaderboard to get populated, but when it does it will contain the latest total of all purchased Unobtainium (even before the leaderboard went live). Tracking Satellite has been optimized and should collect resources a bit faster, generating fewer lags for the surrounding players. As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback!
  5. There's no disagreement on that subject, time is our only limit. But we do plan to add many more stats and leaderboards in various parts of the game.
  6. The rates vary, but I believe our 5,146 users that are currently online would generate a couple of USD per day max if we're lucky. Sure, any money is helping, but we also need to consider that some people will inevitably leave due to the game promoting ads-based mechanics (some find it really annoying, even it's its a separate window, which means that the user retention rate will lower) and some people may not even try the game because the Play Store will explicitly say "the game contains ads" on the download page. So the $2 USD may not outweigh the drawbacks just yet, but there will be more benefit to in-app advertising once we grow some more!
  7. My apologies for a brief downtime that happened a few minutes ago, this was caused by introduction of another server machine into our cluster to increase game performance and reduce the number of lags. Please post if you still can't access the game though!
  8. Hey all, Version 1.11.3 will become available for download via the Play Store shortly (once again, App Store will be updated separately at a later date) and features a few changes: "Domination: Earth" is now available in Spanish! Special thanks goes to @Nostank and Localisation Managers who volunteered to help with in-game translations! It is now possible to select in-game language manually from the landing screen (i.e. before logging in) or from "My Profile." Please note that this setting only affects "Domination: Earth" interface and will not change native texts provided by other apps (e.g. Google Maps or Play Games Leaderboards) or player-made content (e.g. player names and land titles). It is now possible to delete items from your inventory and warehouse. It may take a few hours for the new texts to get updated in your app, but all message placeholders will get replaced with the correct content eventually (depending on the device). Please post if you have any questions or feedback.
  9. In a scenario when you already have a land nearby and a land capture doesn't create a new one - yes, a resource station should get linked to the existing land even if its borders do not reach the station yet (relative to your current position). Please let me know if that doesn't happen for you though!
  10. @Riylan you are correct, well spotted! A fix has been released and the country stats should get updated in a few minutes.
  11. That's correct, this is what I meant when I said: Unfortunately, there is no ability to pre-initialize leaderboards with existing data in bulk, and let's just say there is a reason why we don't want to spam the Games Services API with update requests one by one for our entire userbase. So yes, your base will appear on the leaderboard whenever it reaches next level; army gets updated when you mobilize soldiers. Just build 1 or 2 to update the table! It's also worth pointing out that you'll only see your profile if it's set to public (Games Services tick box that says "Allow others to see your game activity"), so some players may choose to remain private. That must be either dependent on the Play Games app version or the device, as the leaderboards on all our test devices default to "All". But what in your opinion would make the leaderboards less "boring"?
  12. Technically that page lists all of your bases (regardless of their distance) in each country, so these *are* your lands. Renaming this tab from "My Lands" to "My Bases and a Land Nearby" just doesn't look as nice on the user interface.
  13. No problem, I'm sure there's always something to translate in our long list! I've added you to the group; look out for the "Game Localisation" forum!
  14. Hi! "Capture the world" objective is currently the last step of the tutorial, which is open-ended at this point (i.e. building a new base is a suggestion, not a completion requirement). However, we do plan to introduce more objectives and the concept of quests at some point in the future, which is when that step is going to change.
  15. I am reading everything that's being posted, but you have suggested close to a 100 different things in the last couple of months and there's no way for us to work that fast, sorry. In regard to in-game ads: I know this is a standard practice for some games, but it's not something I'd like to do in DE just yet. Despite all myths surrounding this area, in-game advertising isn't really that profitable for a developer (our user base would need to be tens of times larger for this to make any positive impact), but it will sabotage the atmosphere (I personally dislike any apps that force ads in your face one way or another). So yes, this is something we'll consider further down the road, but not in the near future!
  16. The rules are quite simple: nothing ever gets deleted for good, but if you don't login for 7 days or more (regardless of whether you've uninstalled the app, but not having the app on your phone certainly helps with not logging in ) all your possessions disappear and act as if they never existed. So yes, it is possible for someone else to capture land on top of yours, so whenever you're back you'll have to resolve that conflict via Trade or acts of war. But as soon as you login, 100% of your lands, bases and resources get restored to their previous state. Does that make sense?
  17. Hi! Lands can be capture 500 meters away from each other, otherwise the closest one is upgraded. Each land can be upgraded to level 100, which is a radius of 500m, meaning that there is no need for other lands nearby. Unobtainium is sometimes awarded for in-game events and forum competitions, but generally it is a way to support the game and help us pay the server rent. In regard to bases: you can have 1 base in a 100km radius only. Whenever you travel further than that and capture a level 5 land a new base will be established automatically.
  18. That's great, welcome to the group! Any help will be greatly appreciated! Look for the "Game Localisation" forum that should have appeared for you now.
  19. Yikes! I'll make sure to run some tests on multiple super magnets combined with radio transmitters! But just to confirm: when you captured something the first time, was it only 1 or multiple resources picked up? Just trying to recreate your scenario as closely as possible!
  20. Great! Please let me know if the issue happens again after updating.
  21. That sounds really good indeed! I'll add it to the task list but cannot comment on any guarantees due to the aforementioned task list's length. Some of the other suggestions mentioned above are already in the same list, so stay tuned! In any case, we seem to have gone slightly off-topic here; let's move any paid feature suggestions into a separate thread just in case other players decide to comment on the original question (whether "Domination: Earth" is pay-to-win or not).
  22. Interesting... just in case, are there any updates available for the game on the Play Store? I did release a hotfix as 1.11.2 for expiring Game Service sessions (which may be the culprit here!), but I'll investigate again if it is 1.11.2 that you're running.
  23. No problem, we have a great community around here and are always happy to help! In regard to supporting the game without affecting the in-game balance (e.g. a "Support" button): none of the features are purchased directly, you are actually paying for a "premium" resource called Unobtainium, which is then used to buy all the paid content. So if you don't want to buy all the Nukes that exist in the game, you can just purchase some Unobtainium (or use one of the available subscriptions that add Unobtainium to your account weekly) and not spend it. I'd be happy to throw in a Leaderboard showing the top game supporters like yourself who've simply accumulated a large number of this resource without actually using it! In any case, welcome to "Domination: Earth"; we hope you enjoy it!
  24. Awesome!! Thank you for confirming!
  25. I have received supporting evidence from @SensiGuy via PM (including a copy of plane tickets, which weren't necessary, but I appreciate the extra step! ) and all the travel dates match our evidence snapshots; that confirms that SensiGuy is a very active traveller indeed and has physically visited all locations mentioned. Since the case of "faster-than-light travel" was a one-off thing and it wasn't repeated afterwards, we'll consider this a weird network glitch and continue monitoring the situation to improve accuracy of the anti-cheat. However, I would like to issue an official apology to @SensiGuy who is now confirmed to be innocent of cheating. The case is closed; there will be no punishment applied to the account. Thank you very much for your patience and being a member of our community, @SensiGuy!
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