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Domination: Earth

Mr. D

Domination: Staff
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Everything posted by Mr. D

  1. Hi marcofi! We dislike games extorting people for money in order to have a chance at winning ourselves, but I must also say that trying to convince you to play something you dislike isn't something we'd do either; each of us has different taste in games. But I would like to point out that we've tried to minimize the damage from paid elements by restricting them to buildings that exist purely as shortcuts to free features (e.g. Supply Factory offering an alternative source of Supplies, which can be found in abundance just laying around) or as a different version of the Guard Tower (both the Missile Launcher and Nuclear Silo have the same effect, but achieve it in shorter amount of time), but the final outcome is still dependent on your Army alone. And as you may have noticed, Army is built using non-premium resources only and is limited by the base level, which there's no way to purchase using Unobtainium. As I mentioned in one other thread, we would love to make everything completely free ourselves, but running the game is insanely expensive and there's only a tiny percentage of people who're willing to pay for an app before trying it first, so... here we are! P.S. You may also want to ask other players for their opinion on "Domination: Earth", as 99% of them never purchased Unobtainium and only advanced through the game using free features, while I may be considered biased in this situation. We also welcome any suggestions in regard to our paid features, as we're driven by player feedback!
  2. Sure! I've listed all leaderboards explanations right here: "Riches Land" means literally your combined total of "Money" (the resource). Glad to hear that the board is working for you though!
  3. Thanks, Ruvox! That is exactly why we're having this discussion! I have indeed considered the cached GPS coordinates situation, but it's one thing to capture a train station, open the app 15 minutes later and your coordinates would jump to wherever you are in the train currently, and it's something entirely different to move around the train station for a while (clearly having your coordinates change several times) and then a couple of minutes later end up in a place that can't even be reached by plane in that amount of time (let alone train or car), right? Again, I'm making up examples here, but something very similar happend with SensiGuy, so I'm hoping there is a reasonable explanation to this case. I'm also having difficulties believing that someone would interrupt their holiday to go back home (once or more times) to fight back another player, then return to the holiday destination, so I would appreciate some dates & times to support this travel.
  4. Thanks, Grizzlyfilms, but I think some of those additional boards would be redundant: 1. All lands are capped at level 100, and merging allows to increment land levels by +100 only, which is unlikely to be repeated more than a couple of times, so we'll end up with a boring leaderboard listing several thousands of players with a score of 300 or 400 in that aspect (there's no competition in that as you can't get 401, 402 etc.). 2. Biggest level - that is what the Highest Base Level all about. Bases are the only element that don't have a hard level cap, so that particular leaderboard will look diverse. 3. Allies - as we're not a social network, I don't think it's really that important to know how many friends each player has (it just feels tangent to the core mechanics ). We are planning to add co-op related stats in the future (i.e. various achievements and leaderboards related to shared resources or other stuff linked to playing together), but the exact content of those is yet to be decided. 4. Personnel & Supplies: since one army unit is essentially 1 item of supplies and 1 personnel, the "Largest Army" leaderboard illustrates exactly that - supplies and personnel. Largest Army doesn't rank players on the number of soldiers currently alive, but the highest number of soldiers ever built by that player (i.e. if you build 5,000 soldiers and they all die a few minutes later, your score will remain at 5,000, which means that your highest amount of supplies and personnel spent on that aspect was 5,000 ). Additional granularity in that aspect will create duplicate leaderboards, in my opinion (after all, no one wants to scroll through a dozen of leaderboards ranking players on the same thing from a different angle ). 5. Buildings: since there's a finite number of buildings on each base, that leaderboard will once again look repetitive in a little while, just like the land levels, and at some point will simply illustrate the number of bases each player has (multiplied by the number of building templates). However, a total number of upgrades or total number of buildings constructed including those that have been destroyed may be a more interesting board (but will require additional development, as we don't record destroyed buildings anywhere yet). 6. Money, Supplies, Personnel and all the Buildings on one leaderboard sounds a bit messy; how would you compare a sandbag wall to a unit of personnel? If you see two rankings on that board: #1 Player with 50,000 points and #2 Player with 48,000 points, what would that actually mean? Do they have many sandbag walls or are they simply rich? Do they have lots of supplies or personnel? I think this board would be too confusing. However, I fully agree that more leaderboards on different aspects are generally needed and we will keep adding those in the future!
  5. Good morning, I believe the issue should now be resolved, but I'd be grateful if someone could post in this thread confirming that after building some soldiers / capturing land / reaching next base level / picking up Money. Many thanks in advance!
  6. Hi @SensiGuy, Plane tickets are not required, but I would appreciate if you could tell me exact dates and time of when you went to Egypt and returned back (and any dates when you left Egypt in between)? Additionally, can you comment on what mode of transportation you've used to get from Katwijk Aan Zee to Haps on 30/12/2017 at around 9 in the morning (as, frankly speaking, it looked more like a faster-than-light hyperjump than an actual travel)? Thanks, Dan
  7. Hi! Re-opening the app should eventually solve that; it seems that some devices are caching the old translation files for longer than expected. If not, you can manually clear all "Domination: Earth" App data from settings; that will let the game re-download new translations instantly whenever it's launched again. It is theoretically possible (at a level 90+ base), but I must admit that what you're seeing is my test account; I will remove it from the list when the issue is fixed and everyone else's score becomes visible.
  8. Hi all, Version 1.11.1 will appear on the Play Store shortly (an iOS version will be released separately) and features a new side-menu item - "Leaderboards", linked to the Google Play Games Services. There are 4 Leaderboards available currently: Lands Captured (m2) Listing players with the largest area of captured lands ("m2" stands for square meters) Richest Lands Listing players with the largest amount of Money resource in their possession. Largest Army Listing players who've amassed the largest number of soldiers across all bases. Highest Base Level Listing bases of the highest level in the world. As this is a brand new system and we haven't used Game Services before, all leaderboards are currently blank. However, they will begin populating with data once you build some soldiers, capture a few lands and upgrade your base. As always, please post if you have any questions!
  9. Hi all, Some of you may have downloaded today's update to the game, which advertises Google Play Game Services and the new Leaderboards page. However, we've run into an unanticipated issue with our production build of "Domination: Earth", so the Leaderboards page may not function as expected (and will close instantly upon opening). We are working on resolving this issue ASAP, I will post again once the Leaderboards are ready for use!
  10. Mr. D

    Trade Management

    Ok, both issues should now be fixed! Capturing land with your pending offer on it will cancel the offer and you should no longer be able to issue more than a maximum of 5 offers at the same time. Thank you for your reports, Ruvox!
  11. We have reviewed evidence collected on the account of @SensiGuy (Lands: TieraHierba) and SensiGuy has been identified as a suspect in falsifying the GPS coordinates via 3rd party apps in order to advance through "Domination: Earth". We cannot provide the complete evidence trail not to encourage anyone else to attempt the same actions by learning from "others' mistakes", but we have evaluated the following criteria when making a decision: Continuity of a travel path in a single gameplay session. Speed of movement and time of travel. Consistency of travel paths between multiple sessions. The suspect account's behaviour was found unrealistic and movement data contradicting the known laws of physics (as well as the public transport timetable between Katwijk Aan Zee and Haps in Netherlands ). As this is the first infraction of that account, a warning is planned to be issued along with the following penalty: Complete reset of all Money, Supplies and Personnel accumulated on the account to date. Removal of all lands and bases located in Egypt. Removal of stationed armies across all bases. Please note that this is the first and only warning: repeat infraction of the same nature will result in complete removal of all bases and lands located in all countries. @SensiGuy you are hereby given 48 hours to submit an appeal in this thread and attempt to provide evidence and a reasonable explanation justifying your activity. Should no information be provided or the explanation is deemed unsatisfactory, penalty listed above will be applied to your account without any further delay.
  12. Mr. D

    Trade Management

    You are correct! Because of the fact that one land can have a large number of concurrent offers it seemed to make more sense that if one of them is accepted all the others would be transferred to the new owner, just in case they like one of the remaining offers and decide to send this land further down the chain. Having your own offers in that list is a bug though that I will address! I will test the "6/5 sent offers" problem, but how exactly did you achieve that? Did you issue 6 offers and the system simply let you?
  13. Mr. D

    Overlapping lands

    At level 1 of both lands there isn't much either of those can do indeed. However, I believe there will be some changes in this area relatively soon due to the planned enhancements of the alliance/co-op mechanics.
  14. We'll add this to our list of things to review, but I can't make any promises; much of the current and planned functionality is aimed at players actually being in the game. To make something like that really usable and user-friendly we'd have to change a lot of the game's UIs and underlying mechanics, which is more challenging than it sounds; it may be easier to implement a "smart watch version" of Domination: Earth from scratch altogether.
  15. The resource station you're capturing has to be within the higher level land's radius, but you do not need to be physically present in that spot yourself. I will run some tests to make sure this works as expected though.
  16. I don't see any consistent slowdowns in CPU charts, so I believe our servers are doing ok! The only known issue is the Tracking Satellite, which generates a bit of lag with too many lands in your possession, so this building's functionality will change in one of the upcoming updates to improve overall game performance (too many people using the satellite at the same time can generate a global lag for everyone). However, apart from that we should be ok with all our growth.
  17. Thanks for your reports, guys! All fake GPS activity is recorded from our end, so I will investigate and get back to you in regard to this particular player. However, I have to mention that we're in the middle of New Year celebration currently, so I apologize for any delays in advance! In any case, thank you for being vigilant; we'll get to the bottom of this!
  18. Added you to the group, @Nostank! "Game Localisation" forum should now be visible to you.
  19. I've added you to the group; please check out the "Game Localisation" forum that you should have access to now.
  20. That is absolutely correct! And I must say this is an excellent idea! I think I got an inspiration for one of our future in-game events...
  21. Awesome, welcome on board! Please post in the "Game Localisation" forum if you have any questions!
  22. @Grizzlyfilms You can certainly join our translation efforts, here's a thread I created about it Would you like me to add you to the group?
  23. @Dylan414 I've added you to the group; check out the "Game Localisation" forum section for more details. And welcome!
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