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Domination: Earth

Mr. D

Domination: Staff
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Everything posted by Mr. D

  1. Yep, that is correct! Assembly plant puts items in your inventory directly, but you have to be present on your base to receive them, so it doesn't work while you're out travelling. However, warehouse unlocks the ability to produce items remotely as they simply end up there and await for your collection upon return to your base.
  2. Yep, I think this has been mentioned before and I don't disagree that it would be a useful feature! It's residing firmly in my task list.
  3. Thanks for the report! I have been hearing rumours of this happening, but was unable to reproduce it myself so far to establish the root cause... will run some more tests.
  4. I've just released a couple of server-side fixes; do you see any improvements after reopening the app?
  5. The game server should now return back to normal, thank you for your patience! Please let me know if you are still experiencing any issues or inferior game performance.
  6. Unfortunately, due to the performance issues experienced by some players it seems that we'll have to expedite our plans and perform the server maintenance within the next hour. My apologies for any inconvenience caused!
  7. Okay, I've actually managed to finish what I needed to do on the forum, so there should be no downtime in that aspect. From now on the forum should run a bit faster for most users.
  8. Hi everyone, Just wanted to let you know that I will be performing some work on our server hardware in the next few days / the first week of January, so the game may become inaccessible for a short while (hopefully no more than a couple of hours). The same will be done to our forum server at a separate stage, so while the forum is offline please use our Facebook page ( https://www.facebook.com/domination.earth ) or Discord ( http://discord.domination.earth ) to communicate. I will use this thread to keep you updated about the progress of my work (when the maintenance starts/ends) so that there are no surprises. There is no downtime expected today; this is just an advance notice. Please post if you have any questions!
  9. Happy holidays, everyone! Christmas is here and so is another in-game event allowing to obtain some Unobtainium for free: We've decided to add Unobtainium to the list of generated resources from land captures until the 31st of January 2019. Only a single unit of Unobtainium will appear at any spot at a time and chances of that happening are low (for every 10 supersized resource drops there will be 1 Unobtainium drop), but any capture has a chance to trigger the Unobtainium drop, including check-ins at your base. Please note that the chance to generate Unobtainium is increased by x5 in areas with few or none resources already on the map to make real-world travels a little bit more rewarding! In the spirit of giving we've also allowed sharing your collected Unobtainium, so if you pick up 1 unit from the map each of your active allies receives 1 unit as well. As always, please post if you have any questions and once again, Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!
  10. Okay, the issue should now be resolved; please reopen the game and let me know if the map still doesn't load correctly.
  11. Haha, well... I guess there is no reason to keep it secret: we're moving to Perth, Western Australia. At the moment I am still stuck with zero internet; I am online through my mobile hotspot in roaming mode, so can't really develop anything since DE is 100% cloud-based. Hoping to get back to normal asap! Glad you approve of the design! Regarding the flag: we'll have a discussion about that, but I'd personally prefer it to the old ones! This is something we've been doing a lot recently (especially since I can't do any actual development yet ); I am not sure how much will be changed in the initial 2.0 version as we want to keep things backwards compatible for a while, but it is likely that some core features will be adjusted with "more activities for local veterans having large lands" in mind. I have mentioned it in the past that I do agree our game is just too confusing in the current state; perhaps even "hardcore" in terms of user experience. So although I do not have answers to all our problems yet, rest assured that we are working on resolving these one at a time. Yup. I don't have any comments on them yet as my task list is overflowing (and no actual progress is made on 2.0 development with me being offline), so I'm hesitant to make promises on any secondary features. But I will respond once I have something to say!
  12. Hi all, I've decided to post a small update on our state of things not to leave you in the dark. Some of you read the following post I made recently: This is still the case and I'm afraid I cannot promise any progress in the next few weeks, as I am currently sitting on a bunch of boxes with all my stuff in transit to a very remote part of the world that I hope to start calling "home" after the 20th of November. I also have no clue as to when I regain internet access and get back to the normal work schedule, so it's hard to predict how soon exactly the development will resume. There are also both good and bad news regarding DE 2.0: Unfortunately, our initial plan didn't exactly work out and the development team we brought on-board to build a brand new game using Unity failed to deliver the anticipated level of quality. We've had to terminate our relationship early as I noticed that the product we were receiving was inferior in terms of functionality and contained even more issues despite a much more complex code base that was becoming harder and harder to maintain and develop. I am fairly disappointed in the outcome and the amount of time / funding invested into this fruitless side-project, but on the upside I got myself a break from development so I'm just going to have to treat this as an "unplanned holiday". Yes, this means that you are once again stuck with me as a sole developer and we are proceeding with plan B as I implement all the new designs in the existing game engine. The obvious drawbacks of this solution is that we probably won't see any 3D rendering capabilities in the game for a while and Android support will remain at version 4.4+ ("Domination: Earth" 1 just can't function on Androids below 4.4 anymore). However, this also means a lot less development in total as I won't need to rebuild the game from the ground up. Last month before I started the "grand move across the ocean" I managed to transform a number of existing screens and implemented roughly 20% of the new designs already, and would like to share with you some previews on what exactly we are working towards: Of course, every device and screen are different, and many things are yet to be finalized so the actual results may vary, but you can get the sense of the overall picture. As always, and feedback and questions are welcome.
  13. Hey all, First of all I wanted to say sorry that we've had no Halloween event yet; this and the lack of news / announcements was caused by the fact that I'm currently undergoing some major changes in life, including a move to another country, which involves a move of our business as well (and that is extremely time-consuming). Things are in a complete state of chaos right now and all development is temporarily paused. There will be an official announcement later in November with an update on that and also the state of DE2. I think we'll also arrange another in-game event as a substitute to Halloween at a later stage, or simply run the pre-Christmas event a lot longer (we'll see!). In any case, I apologize for any inconvenience caused!
  14. No changes in that area, but I believe your remote land has to be at least level 3 to construct a Guard Tower.
  15. Wish #1 granted! Editing time has been increased to 60 minutes. It is possible indeed; I've already pulled a lot of hair out in regrets about not implementing it this way initially... The problem is that now a lot of QR codes have already been generated by the old app versions, so if I change the underlying mechanics some of them may stop working (and all the printed stickers will definitely become obsolete). So I think that's something we should definitely implement, I just need to find a way to make this backwards-compatible to have all versions of the game still capable of referring friends (as not many players download updates regularly). As for additional rewards... these will be considered.
  16. @Dudlic1981 Responded in Private Messages; please check the inbox.
  17. Mr. D

    Couch expansions

    That is accurate! Do I regret introducing trades in the current format? Perhaps. Are we going to remove any features that I spent many hours developing? Unlikely... As I stated in the original post, a fix to this problem will be released relatively soon (i.e. before any rewrites are complete); until that happens, please consider land expansion via "couch trading" a known exploit that goes against our code of conduct, i.e. if we spot anyone doing it there will be a single warning and, in case of a repeat infraction, penalties applied to account severity of which will be decided at our discretion. Just to reiterate and avoid misunderstandings, the punishable offences are: 1) The actual fact of re-purchasing previously sold lands for the purpose of merging them with a newly created land in the same location (within the re-purchased land's radius) 2) Repeat sale of a land in the same spot for the purpose of infinite resource generation and bypassing the level 100 growth cap (i.e. growing your base and accumulating wealth via endless checking in from home/office/other frequently visited location that isn't your base). @Ruvox your suggestions make sense, but are unfortunately too complex (there's no single-sentence tutorial that would explain all these rules! New player confusion is our key enemy right now) while the cost-based solutions only "patch the symptoms" without solving the underlying issue; rich players still gain access to some fairly "grey area" strategies. I believe we've come up with a more-or-less straightforward set of restrictions that will enforce the requirement to travel (yes, I will continue insisting on "couch expansions" being against the rules; if you don't want to travel - don't play a travel-based game), but just working out the finer details now (all of which will be explained once the update is ready). Stay tuned.
  18. Hi! No problem, let's find your account! Can you please PM me your original account's display name, lands title or email associated with the Google+ account that you used to login (or Facebook if you used that)? Any piece of information helps (just don't send me any passwords)!
  19. Mr. D

    Next Event?

    That is accurate! We will most likely have a Halloween event this year as per usual schedule. The exact dates and contents of the event will be revealed closer to October the 31st.
  20. Mr. D

    Couch expansions

    Ironically, I've stumbled upon this realization recently myself; just yesterday I've been a witness to a transaction similar to the one you're describing made by a hardcore traveller whom I've known for a long time, but who's been encouraged to proceed down this route for the reasons outlined above - it's much easier to trade lands back and forth than actually travel outside of the land's radius. Needless to say that I'm very disappointed in this approach as the "couch expansion" is the #1 reason why actual travellers leave our game (heck, even I am discouraged from playing fairly now as I've spent tons of money on petrol / plane tickets travelling around for land capture and turns out I could have done *this*! ). Something will be done about this without doubt. I'd also like to disclose some surprising/shocking stats about "Domination: Earth" in general: we've been a lot bigger and had more active players when the game was simpler 8-10 months ago. In fact, our growth was phenomenal and we've almost reached 10,000 concurrent active players in January 2018. However, once we've added the trade system, high-level land restrictions based around couch expansion and all the "civilization-like" features things went downhill! That is why I personally think that we need to stop trying to be a "civilization" and return back to what we were originally: a competitive travel-based strategy, not an MMORTS (i.e. more travelling, less "diplomacy"; more cooperative gameplay, less PvP). We've already grown past the point where the game is "easy to understand or explain via tutorials", there are too many complex features unrelated to travels and the gameplay process with all the trade-based exploits is nothing but messy right now. I know many of you will disagree, but I believe that at this moment in time we need fewer features and a simpler gameplay process, not "even more stuff" to make things irrevocably confusing, which is why I need to do a lot of thinking before any new utility structures are introduced. But in any case, couch-expansion and all the associated problems definitely need to go! Major gameplay changes are to be expected in the future.
  21. Wow... Anyway, yeah, we got a message saying that our app is following "bad practices" (or something along those lines) and that it will not appear on the store as frequently unless we fix it (I'm guessing in these cases it's only possible to find the game by searching for its name directly, but it won't pop up in any suggestions and "games you may like" kind of sections, plus it will appear lower down the list for partially relevant searches). It's probably not a big deal for bigger titles that spend $$$ on advertising, but for us organic traffic is quite important.
  22. It does exist indeed, but we have been penalized by the Play Store for using it in the past; the game consumed too much power and it was considered "bad behaviour". I'll have a think about making this a configurable thing though!
  23. Heya! Going to PM you with the exact details, but in general you can request a "Forgotten password" PIN for the email addressed associated with your Google+ account. Using that PIN you can set a new password and access the same account using two methods: Google+ and regular password.
  24. Hi! I am on my way to an airport myself right now, so to speed things up (as a token of my appreciation of your continuous support ) I've unbanned that account without investigation; will look into what happened once I'm back at my workstation. However, please do not login to someone else's account who is playing from a different device; this is mentioned in our "Code of Conduct" and is a guaranteed way to get that account banned! If you are still logged in to that account (or know of any other devices logged into it) I would advise to logout asap.
  25. May I ask what device is that and/or version of Android? Unfortunately, the UI may look different on every phone, but I will investigate!
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