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Domination: Earth


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  1. Появилось первое русскоязычное сообщество с гайдами, мемами и с ответами на вопросы. Всё на русском! https://vk.com/DominationEarth Тебя тут ждут! Мы поможем и ответим
    8 points
  2. Hi all, I've spotted an interesting conversation in Discord a few weeks ago about "us" (Epic Dragon) with lots of strange assumptions, so I've decided to clear the air and explain our history / "who we are" in a bit more details. Epic Dragon as a company launched in the UK (Norwich) in 2013 (5 years ago) and until the beginning of 2017 our focus was primarily on building & maintaining the Flamefrost MMORPG (www.flamefrost.com). Our team has always been quite small and initially it was just me (I have built both of our games from scratch), then a freelance artist joined us temporarily along with our CVO (the source of many incredible ideas and a QA for mine ). Sometime around Flamefrost's launch we even made a video illustrating who does what exactly. In 2017 thanks to the launch of "Domination: Earth" we've been able to expand some more and invited @JennyTerritory to take over the marketing aspects of that game, as I just couldn't do everything on my own anymore. So any posts you see on Facebook & Twitter are most likely Jen's. Same as with Flamefrost, our current graphical assets were made by a freelance artist (a different one this time), but we don't have a permanent artist in our team and usually find one whenever we need some new materials. Unfortunately, the reason why I started "Domination: Earth" was that Flamefrost wasn't successful enough as a business product: although I do love that game with passion and would be happy to work on it for many more years it has been deemed to be too "niche", i.e. aimed at a too narrow audience, which led to problems in acquiring new players and keeping them interested; we have invested £££,£££ in advertising and after 2 years of operation the game still continued to generate more debts than income (we haven't recovered most of our investments). Because of that we've shifted our focus to "Domination: Earth" completely, which (thankfully!) is doing a lot better than Flamefrost (that remains a free community-driven & community-maintained game). "Domination: Earth" has achieved 50,000+ downloads in the first 3 months after launch and is now supporting its own and Flamefrost's hardware financially. I'm currently still burning through my personal savings to keep the team together (I am literally the only person in the company who doesn't get paid ), which is why I occasionally engage in fundraising (or just have a 2nd/3rd job, so if I'm inactive online then I'm probably looking for a way to pay my bills again ), but I'm hopeful that this is only temporary and DE's growth in the last few months supports that theory. There are no plans to build new games in the near future as "Domination: Earth" is doing incredibly well and I am completely in love with it (as well as with our community ); my task list is full of great ideas and I believe that the project can & will grow further, while our team expand in the next couple of years (so if you are interested in working with us and have any game-related talents make sure to let me know! ). So that's pretty much it! As always, please do not hesitate to ask questions; I'm always happy to talk and provide you with more accurate information than Discord rumours.
    6 points
  3. I understand your point completely and will most certainly have a think about what can be done with these ideas of yours. I'll share a little secret, I've promised it so much in the past that the new alliance system has been promoted to join the Top 3 new features that I plan to build (it could very well be the next one, but... No promises just yet :)). I'll definitely try to include something similar to what you're describing!
    6 points
  4. Over the last few months I received over a dozen emails with complaints about us not allowing to use Fake GPS in the game, questions "why?" and relevant "ideas & suggestions", most of which are unfortunately very unlikely to appear in our game. Not to reiterate myself any further I've decided to create this post and answer the future enquiries of similar nature in advance. "Why is Fake GPS not allowed?" It's very simple, really! We've built a game for real-world travellers, explorers of our planet or those who just need a reason to go outside more. Accordingly, not going outside and not exploring our planet while playing this game, but still achieving the same results "as if you did" is considered unfair and really uncool. "But I can't go outside and I never travel!" Well, that really is unfortunate and I'm sorry about your situation! I am a bit confused as to what attracted you to download a travel-based game in the first place though! I could suggest a list of my favourite offline & online games that don't require real-world travels, but I think it's easy enough to find them via Google search or just by visiting the Play Market / App Store. The thing is, there are billions of games oriented on those who don't want to / can't go outside and so few games doing the opposite that trying to forcefully adapt "Domination: Earth" to suit your stationary needs is just greedy (think about all those bored travellers who don't have anything to play while hiking)! "But there's no wi-fi outside! I can't play if I leave the house!" As we're talking about real-world exploration and outdoor travels the requirement of a GPS-enabled device with 2G/3G/4G internet is automatically implied, but we're really sorry if that mobile service is not available in your region yet. However, we don't believe it's fair to bring your car to a horse race just because you don't own a horse, if you know what I mean... "But I'm not harming anyone! I only pick up small resources and items in inaccessible locations!" Sorry, but you really do harm someone (all of us, actually). Imagine if I said the following: "I will give you 10 dollars if you go outside and walk around my house for an hour or 100 dollars if you stay and don't go anywhere at all." Which option would you choose? I bet there isn't a single person in the world who'd choose less money for a greater amount of effort unless there's something really wrong with my house (a vicious rabid dog...? ). The same applies to motivation & incentive within travel-based games. If we start allowing fake GPS then I can no longer be bothered to waste my time going to pick up a bunch of resources when I can pick up all of them (or even some of them / "a tiny little bit") without even breaking a sweat. Seriously, I'm not; I'm losing interest just thinking about it... and so is every other player of this game. "But no one else is playing in my area!" So if there are no other customers it is ok to shoplift in a supermarket? Anyway, if that is the case and you really like our game to an extent of not wishing to search for any other non-travel-based alternative we would be extremely grateful if you spread the word and introduced some friends to "Domination: Earth" instead of trying to break it. "I think you will lose a lot of potential players if you stick to that approach!" And these would be the players that we intended to lose when the game was designed, it's called "not being part of a target audience". All games have these; you're not going to force me into playing "Peppa Pig" and I'm sure that a 1 year old would not be interested in "Call of Duty" either. So I can't really say that non-travellers not being interested in "Domination: Earth" is an unpleasant surprise! "I still think you're wrong..." And we appreciate you sharing these thoughts. Thankfully, in this day and age it's really easy to build your own game that works exactly as you like and follows any rules that you do agree with, so we promise not to critique your design choices when you decide to build one. "Ok, I do feel bad about cheating now; I'm really sorry, I didn't expect that you'd notice, but now I'm banned!" We really believe in second chances, which is why all bans are account-specific, i.e. you can always register a new account and start playing again. Unfortunately though, as much as we appreciate your honesty and repentance we really can't unlock banned accounts since they still contain illegally obtained resources/lands/bases. But please do message me if you'd like to have that account removed, e.g. if you'd need to free the email address / display name / lands title, I'm always happy to help start from a clean slate!
    6 points
  5. Hi all, "Domination: Earth" is free for everyone to enjoy, which is why there are a few key rules that we'd like our players to follow in order to maintain the enjoyable and friendly environment. No advertising We do not force any form of advertising on our players and ask you to do the same. Please do not use your display name or name of your lands to promote a 3rd party product or website unrelated to domination. If your lands represent a fan website (e.g. an alliance or guild of "Domination: Earth" players) it is fine to mention that group's name in your land title, but not as a web address (i.e. without "http", "www.", ".com" or other domain attributes). Display name should still relate to the person in charge of the account. Violation of this rule will lead to a forceful renaming of your display name / lands title. Repeat violation will lead to account deactivation. No offensive content Any names and land titles that promote discrimination, racism or content that may be upsetting to other players will not be tolerated. Violation of this rule will lead to the change of offensive name without notice and, in case of repeat violation, account deactivation. About multiple devices "Domination: Earth" can be played from multiple devices and sharing of an account with family members or friends is not prohibited, as long as all parties are playing close to each other (e.g. travelling as a group in one location) and your account is not logged in and active on more than one device at a time. I.e. it is allowed to: a) Log out from your original device and login to your friend's phone if that friend is standing physically next to you. b) Login to another device you have if your original phone's battery is dead. It is not recommended to: c) Ask someone else in a different part of the world to login to your account to establish a remote base. d) Remain logged in and active in the game on more than one device that aren't located next to each other. Failure to comply with this recommendation puts your account at risk of being flagged by our anti-cheat: if that happens you may get a permanent ban for falsifying your position. That is why we always encourage all players to create their own accounts and advise against sharing your password with anyone else. We will also *never* ask for your password for any reason, so please be wary of anyone doing the opposite - this is most definitely a scam! Multiple accounts Use of multiple accounts for one person is not prohibited as long as it is used for legitimate purposes (i.e. not exploiting the trade or resource sharing mechanics) and does not affect other players. For example, having multiple PvP-enabled accounts for the purpose of bypassing combat restrictions and simultaneously attacking a player and defending against attacks of others is considered "bad behaviour": we do not want to encourage use of multiple accounts, but actions like that inevitably force victims to use the same tactics to defend themselves. Any instances of similar combat-related multi-logging abuse can be reported to me and the offending account will be suspended from combat activity temporarily. Abusing known exploits and dubious strategies Abusing bugs or features of the game that allow bypassing certain restrictions (e.g. the need to travel to create new lands) are generally frowned upon. If you're in doubt about a particular feature as it looks "too good to be true" - please ask, it's better than being sorry at a later stage. Any exploit abuse usually leads to severe penalties and/or removal from leaderboards. Please note that additional restrictions are now in force until the mechanics changes described in the following post are implemented: Common sense We do rely on everyone's common sense when playing "Domination: Earth" or using this forum and will refrain from listing rules that are too obvious (e.g. "do not arrange real-world arms deals on our forum" ). So if something is obviously illegal or completely amoral, please don't do it even if this list doesn't mention that subject. Please also note that this list may be updated and more rules added without any notice if the situation demands it. If you see anyone in violation of these rules, please report the abuse on the forum or via email at support@domination.earth
    6 points
  6. As some players on the discord may have noticed, I've been inactive in the last weeks and just got active again some days. In this post I'd like explain why I lost motivation for DE and what could be changed to prevent this from happening again. Problem After reaching a relatively high base level (currently at 34) your only real option for day-to-day is mindlessly pressing capture/collect every 15/60 minutes as travelling to expand your land area isn't doable in my normal day. With a big enough land you also don't really need to save resources as you get enough just from your land. This leads to my big problem the lack of improvement one can achieve. Ideas I thought about new goals for advanced players and came up with these: permanent bonuses for the player, e.g. +1 soldier capacity for a given amount of resources a new alliance system with multiple players working together for alliance goals alliances get some kind of resource stash where players can transfer resources to and/or a "tax" on all collected resources is paying to can also be upgraded to hold more resources these resources can be used to construct and improve alliance "structures" that provide various benefits for the alliance and its member, e.g.: Resource bonus for alliance resources obtained by tax (for example 10% tax + 1% bonus : 100 money collected -> 11 money for alliance [10 tax + 1 bonus] + 90 money for collecting player ) raise member limit (if a limit makes sense) better military support for players (normal: every member can support attacked players with 10 soldiers, every upgrade raises this limit by 1) "donation" system: members can get resources from alliance pool, every level increases amount/player/24h(?) interests: every levels grants +0.1% on alliance resources per day/week alliance leaderboards
    5 points
  7. @MaX333 I appreciate your input, but not everything in life is fixed using C++! Sharing which screens froze/were slow for you would be much more helpful than suggesting to build two new apps (for Android and iOS) using a brand new programming language from scratch. I.e. instead of saying "this lasagna is awful, please remake it in a Zanussi oven" perhaps you could tell us if your problem is with its meat, sauce, temperature or something else. Please note though that most of our lags aren't related to our choice of programming language or frameworks: 1) Map tiles are loaded from a 3rd party OSM server and speed of their rendering depends purely on your internet speed and number of users downloading the same tiles. Unless we include tiles for the entire world in the app (which would increase its size from 20 megabytes to approx. 5 terabytes; that would be one heck of a download!) we can build it in Java, C++ or Assembler but there will be no difference in performance whatsoever. 2) Loading speed of icons, lands & resources depends on our back-end server, streaming the content into the app. Similar to my point above, language of the app won't help here. We are continuously working on optimizing the server-side performance, but it is an iterative task; not something that can be fixed once and for all. 3) Some screens in the app (like the tutorial slides) are known to be slow at the moment; it is an issue we plan to address in one of the next versions. But once again, the same non-optimized code could exist in any other language. In fact, C++ tends to introduce memory leaks and a whole lot of other nightmares that would have made the app less stable. Any application built on C++ is generally much more complex and requires hundreds more hours to build and debug compared to a hybrid app like ours. If you are a C++ genius capable of producing perfect code without a single memory leak I applaud your prowess, but we are nowhere close to that state and consider ourselves to be average humans prone to mistakes. So I cannot agree with your statement that "it's very easy", but if you do have an app you're willing to share with us to prove otherwise and demonstrate "how it's done" we would be ecstatic to check it out and learn from it.
    5 points
  8. Hi all, I have received a wave of emails / PMs and forum notifications about a new issue that appeared this morning; as many of you know it manifested in a form of "freezing land captures" (or "freezing upgrades") where pressing any of the Flag buttons resulted in a "Please wait..." message, but nothing else. This issue was caused by the fact that the OpenStreetMap servers used to identify your location got overloaded and were not responding to some requests, hence the issue was intermittent. Unfortunately, such quality of service is unacceptable for our needs, so we're once again moving to a different Geocoding provider: OpenCage. Version 1.19.6 implements this change and replaces OSM with OpenCage Geocoding, so if you are suffering from "capture freezes" please download the update as soon as you can. Additionally, we've implemented dynamic provider switching, so if the same happens with OpenCage again in the future we will be able to substitute it with another service provider without requiring you to download any more updates. Finally, you will now see a bit more diversity in land names as they will now include street & road names where applicable. 1.19.6 is now available on the Play Store and App Store. As always, please post if you have any questions or concerns!
    5 points
  9. Hi all, Another update just went live on the Play Store and has been sent to the App Store for review (should go live later this week), featuring: When you open a list of existing buildings on any of your bases from "My Lands" you will now see two arrows at the bottom, allowing to view next/previous base without leaving this screen. This navigation should help cycle through all of your bases when using Assembly Plant, as well as when upgrading or repairing your buildings in bulk. When selecting a placement spot for a building on a level 100+ land it is now possible to keep placing more of the same building without revisiting the "Construct" tab (until the "Cancel" button is pressed). This should make it easier to surround your land with walls in one go. Finally, a feature inspired by my personal travel on top of a mountain outside of my base range (had to travel for 6+ hours to get there) where I've only managed to build a level 4 land before being forced down by weather conditions. At that frustrating moment I realized that there may be other people around the world who've visited a distant spot of our planet, but never got the opportunity to finish upgrading their land to level 5. To help with that it is now possible to upgrade any such land remotely for 5 Unobtainium (per land level): when seeing a "This land is too far away!" error message you will notice a yellow "Upgrade" button underneath performing the aforementioned action. The price is quite steep on purpose to prevent this becoming a regular aspect of the gameplay replacing actual travels. Please note that you still have to travel to establish the initial flag. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
    5 points
  10. Hi all, A new version has just appeared on the Play Store and App Store, featuring the following changes: "Domination: Earth" is now available in French! New "Wars" window listing all ongoing and finished conflicts between players. Any attack against another player (AI excluded) will now start a war that lasts 7 days. After the war is over a winner is determined using "Victory points" (a total sum of experience accumulated from dealing damage against your enemy's land, army and structures) and a new leaderboard associated with war victories will be added as well in a separate release. Regardless of whether you were victorious or not, both participating parties can no longer see or interact with each other after the war is over (but you can still Track your enemy manually if you want to). Additionally, no alliance requests can be issued to the attacking/defending party during a war and after it's finished. After a war ends, it is possible to request a truce with your enemy from the "Wars" window, specifying duration of this agreement between 1 and 31 days. If your opponent accepts your truce offer their visibility will once again be restored and you will be able to offer forming an alliance with that person. However, it will not be possible to attack this player while the truce is in force. Finally, after your truce expires you are free to initiate a "rematch" and attack the second player if they're still not a member of your alliance. I'm hoping that this new functionality helps to end some of our seemingly-infinite conflicts and also allow new players to expand in a region dominated by a really high-level player. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
    5 points
  11. I realize that it's most likely a force of habit for everyone to use the big "Flag" button for land upgrades, but that was pretty much the idea behind the update - give you a bit more control and separation between the "new land" and "upgrade" functionality: if you'd like to upgrade an existing land, simply use the small "Flag" on its tooltip window, while the big "Flag" is now synonymous to "create new land". Exactly! You've just highlighted the main reason why I've attempted to slow down high-level growth via the introduction of "Merge Cost". This problem existed before the update, the only difference is that merging was a bit slower (you've had to upgrade all of the nested lands to level 100 before they'd expand their parent land). Now this process is a bit more visible and the aforementioned problem became apparent. I am indeed worried about level 500+ lands sucking in all resources within the entire city, but that is something that needs to be addressed in a separate update; it's not a problem that was created by the latest changes. Yes, but that would only be a temporary patch; eventually the same situation would appear, except that it would be caused by a level 1000 land instead of 500 (for example). The solution I wanted to propose is to make some/most/all of the resources "private". I.e. stations and most likely "boss resources" would be shared among all players, but smaller drops would be individual to every player and you wouldn't see nor be able to pick up someone else's stuff. What do you think? Ok, I'll let you in on the new system I am currently designing. There is going to be a brand new construction system that separates all buildings from their "land centre": i.e. instead of all structures appearing as a list in "My Lands", you would be actually placing each building one by one on a free space within your captured land (and the larger the land is, the more buildings you can place). You will then be able to visit each building (by walking to its spot on the map) and "check in" there to either repair or advance this building to the next level (you'll still be able to repair stuff remotely, but visiting the building will allow to restore a portion of its health for free). Both of these actions will advance your base to the next level and generate the surrounding resources, so this "construction management process" will hopefully replace the mechanics of placing new flags within an existing land. Additionally, this will allow to have multiple guard towers in different places within the same land, and increase your defensive capabilities against lots of small lands placed by enemies within. I hope that addresses the problems you highlighted in this thread!
    5 points
  12. Hello everyone, It is no secret that 2020 has been a crazy year that threw a myriad of challenges at all of us, caused a lot of grief and even sabotaged our games in more than one way. But at the same time I want to say "thank you!" to all members of our community for being patient with us and continuing to play "Domination: Earth" despite all the delays and setbacks. And I would like to give a very special thanks to our most supportive players without whom our servers would honestly not be running today: ⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐ Kellenasia Ruvox Agusta Maarten Verduyckt WinterHeart626 BrianK Celestius Z3nd Sirenos LWHsieh ⭐🌟⭐🌟⭐ Guys, your contributions are extremely appreciated and your Unobtainium purchases in the last couple of months were life-saving for this project. Thank you. On this note I would like to wish everyone a great holiday season and a happy new year, which we truly hope will bring some joy and happiness to our lives and zero new apocalyptic mishaps. 😅 Since we sadly did not have the capacity to organize a Christmas event this year, all users who played "Domination: Earth" in December 2020 have now automatically received 25 units of Unobtainium as a token of Christmas spirit. Thank you, everyone, and see you all next year!
    4 points
  13. Hello and welcome to Domination: Earth I assume you have stumbled onto this section of the forums because you would like some help and guidance on your journey to conquer the world! I have written this quick guide to help you on your way. Please note that I will use the terms "land" and "flag" alot but they are essentially the same thing. 1. Starting the game After creating your account and setting up your profile, you are thrown straight into the game. There is no 'forced' tutorial you have to go through so this might leave you a little confused. Refer to the big yellow "GOALS" button on your bottom left corner for a basic tutorial and what you probably should try to do next. First you will want to put down a base. A base is used for multiple things later on. Choose this place wisely as you will want to visit your base every now and then. It is however not suggested to put it down at home, school, work etc places you visit often as you will want to grow your lands there. If you accidentally planted your base in a bad place you can move it for free ONCE, after which it will cost a premium currency (unobtanium) to move. If you are hesitant on where to move it then just save the one free move for a later date when you understand where a good place for a base is. But wait, how do I make a base? Easy! Just press the big yellow button with a flag on it that is located on your right bottom corner and is labeled "LAND" underneath. Normally this button plants a new flag, upgrades a flag, builds a new utility or upgrades an existing utility. But the very first land you plant will become a base. This button will be used alot while playing the game. To read more about bases and what they do refer to this link for more info [insert link] 2. Understanding the mechanics Now that you have your base setup you might have noticed that your "LAND" button now has a countdown on it. Whenever you plant a new flag, grow an existing land, build an utility or upgrade an utility your cooldown timer will start. You will have to wait that 15 minutes until you can grow again as there is no way to bypass it even with premium currency. Planting and growing lands is the fundemental idea of the game. That is how you conquer the world around you. When pressing the flag button in a spot you or nobody else has a land yet, you will make a new level 1 land there. A level 1 land will cover a 5m radius area and every level added by pressing the flag button again in that radius will gain it another 5m radius. You can level up a land up to level 100 which will cover a 500m radius. Level 100 is the cap for one land to grow and after that you will need to merge other lands into it for it to grow past level 100, however this will cost Travel Points and resources. You can also level up a land thats within 500m from you by pressing on the land you want to level and and pressing the small flag button found on the popup that appears. 3. Playing the game Now you have the most basic idea of the game and it's time to start playing. Just hit that flag button every 15 minutes to level or plant a new flag. This might sound a little bit dull at first glance but take note that this is just a quick guide to get you started on your journey. There's tons more to the game but I will not include them all in this guide as it would become far too long. Refer to the links below for more info on the different aspects and features of the game. Anything missing from this guide will be found there. [Link] [Link] There are several different tactics on how, where and when to plant but that is up to you to decide which route you want to go. If you need advice or help, hit us up here on the forums or on Discord. We are happy to guide you through all the different possibilities. 4. Resources There are 3 main resources, 1 premium resource and 2 point based resources. The main ones are 'Money', 'Personnel' and 'Supplies' and they are used to build buildings, merge lands, making power-ups and much more. All of these three resources can be found on the map. Everytime you hit that flag button a random resource will spawn somewhere on the map within a 5km radius. There is also a possibility that a resource station spawns somewhere in your vicinity. All three resources have their own resource station which can be captured if within 500m of it and pressing the flag button on the resource stations popup. These are however limited and will despawn after a certain time. To collect from these just go into your "MY LANDS" tab found on the top and in this tab at the bottom click the "COLLECT RESOURCES". The main way to collect resources is to walk up to a resource on the map and clicking the big yellow button at the bottom of your screen with a hand and "PICK UP" label. Your default pickup range is 100m but this can be increased with perks and power-ups. Power-ups are made using supplies at an assembly plant that can be built on your base. These are only temporary but still very important as you can activate up to 10 powerups for stacked effect. For example if you stack 10 super magnets you will get a 3km pickup radius which is a huge difference to the default 100m. Aim for these to collect resources fairly easily. You can also build a 'Tracking Satellite' on your base which lets you remotely collect any resource that has spawned on your lands. The tracking satellite uses one personnel to gather the resources. You will need resources to advance further into the game. Lands require a building to be built or upgraded for every 10 levels. You can access the construction tab on a land by clicking on the flag and at the popup click on the middle button with the tools. To learn more about resources, refer to this thread: https://forum.domination.earth/index.php?/topic/710-everything-you-need-to-know-resources/ 5. Epilogue This guide is a quick rough draft made for those who just started the game. It is being updated until I feel it is done. I will also be making another one for the more advanced stuff later on as I have the time. Please forgive me for any grammar, spelling or other language related errors as English is not my native language. Also any feedback on this quick guide is very much appreciated. If you feel something is missing or something should be removed, let me know. You can always DM me here on the forums or on Discord @ValarMorghulis Special thanks to the people on Discord helping me with this guide. Especially @Republic of America @Irrelevents and everybody else who contributed! // ValarMorghulis
    4 points
  14. Hi all, I've decided to post a small update on our state of things not to leave you in the dark. Some of you read the following post I made recently: This is still the case and I'm afraid I cannot promise any progress in the next few weeks, as I am currently sitting on a bunch of boxes with all my stuff in transit to a very remote part of the world that I hope to start calling "home" after the 20th of November. I also have no clue as to when I regain internet access and get back to the normal work schedule, so it's hard to predict how soon exactly the development will resume. There are also both good and bad news regarding DE 2.0: Unfortunately, our initial plan didn't exactly work out and the development team we brought on-board to build a brand new game using Unity failed to deliver the anticipated level of quality. We've had to terminate our relationship early as I noticed that the product we were receiving was inferior in terms of functionality and contained even more issues despite a much more complex code base that was becoming harder and harder to maintain and develop. I am fairly disappointed in the outcome and the amount of time / funding invested into this fruitless side-project, but on the upside I got myself a break from development so I'm just going to have to treat this as an "unplanned holiday". Yes, this means that you are once again stuck with me as a sole developer and we are proceeding with plan B as I implement all the new designs in the existing game engine. The obvious drawbacks of this solution is that we probably won't see any 3D rendering capabilities in the game for a while and Android support will remain at version 4.4+ ("Domination: Earth" 1 just can't function on Androids below 4.4 anymore). However, this also means a lot less development in total as I won't need to rebuild the game from the ground up. Last month before I started the "grand move across the ocean" I managed to transform a number of existing screens and implemented roughly 20% of the new designs already, and would like to share with you some previews on what exactly we are working towards: Of course, every device and screen are different, and many things are yet to be finalized so the actual results may vary, but you can get the sense of the overall picture. As always, and feedback and questions are welcome.
    4 points
  15. (tl;dr: a message box to confirm land merging action would be lovely) One annoying thing I've noticed on my latest trip: In current game conditions, when travelling to remote locations, there is a useful scheme to build several lands, fill them up with structures and only then merge them to maximize the base level growth time-effectively. This works positively both for players, who are able to have more fun while travelling, and for game economy, as it forms a heavy, but positive resource sink, especially for more advanced gamers. This scheme works both during trip (while you have resources) and after trip (when you manage to stage several lands in correct positions for future merger once resources are regained and structures built). The problem is that staging such setups is really hard due to the way the merging tool behaves: when lands are nearby, there is no way to tell if they are mergable (close enough) or not, when you click "merge", it's just either working or not when you try to set new land really close, it's really easy to upgrade existing land by mistake (eg. by sudden GPS drift...), thus merging it with other already staged satellites and ruining the whole setup. Since merge operation is not really that common action, I think it wouldn't suffer if an additional confirm questions was added here, or at least an opt-in for such message, configurable in the profile options.
    4 points
  16. Hi all, A small update just went live featuring the following changes: Alliance resource sharing is no longer limited by distance from your ally. The only requirement for sharing to work is for your ally to be active in the game within the hour, but they can be anywhere on the globe to receive a portion of your resources. "Land Capture" action (all Flag buttons) no longer collect resources and will not use activated items, so no charges will be expended upon capturing new lands. Resource capture is now only possible to do via the "Hand" button. Resource stations can still be captured using the small "Flag" button (remote capture), but once again, that action will not collect any resources other than the station and this will not affect any items that are currently active. The update is server-side and is already live, so no new app versions are required to be downloaded. As always, please post if you have any questions.
    4 points
  17. It's great that you are asking for input! There are some things which still bother me a bit UI wise: You added the buttons to directly go to the next base within the My Lands tab, however if I just want to restock all my soldiers or use all my assembly plants it's still confusing to do: load the base site, produce items, wait for base site to reload switch to next base site, wait for this base site to load and so on. As already mentioned somewhere else it's very disturbing sometimes when having many buildings on one land and want to upgrade/repair some of them. After each upgrade or repair (or canceled upgrade or repair) the list of constructed buildings totally reloads and sets you back to its top which is especially hard on lager building lists. I've never understood why the trading option is under the three dots instead of accessible via the sidebar menu. There is the totally unnecessary and even unusable button to upgrade a sandbag wall which still exists after you've established a new base from a land with a sandbag wall on. The somehow obvious information in the "resources collected"-toast stating that you have shared the resources with zero allies. Either you share your resources or you don't. I don't see the point of sharing with zero allies. Why do i have to confirm a second time that I really want to produce items when using the Assembly Plant? It's not like producing items would be such a critical thing. I can see the point of giving the information about the price and what will happen but that would be more meaningful within an information box or a tutorial but it's really nothing a player has to see every time when producing items. Before you read this one, I know that this is complaining on a very very high state. There is exactly one perk which is (at least in the English version) a little bit higher than the other so it leads to a small gap on the right side of the perks under the Focus: Metal perk. When clicking on the construction button I will first see the available new buildings and the option to see the existing buildings (another button). At least in my case I am using the existing buildings view much more often than the "buildings you could construct"-view so it would make more sense the other way round. Seeing the existing buildings first (if I want to upgrade my sandbag all to level 10 I'd have to visit this view 9 times plus every time I want to repair something or use an existing building somehow) and having there the option to construct new buildings (another button and another view which you would mostly visit one or two times (sandbag wall and guard tower)). Most of the time I see my current amount of resources in the upper right corner but it's a non-clickable item at the moment. If I want to buy Unobtainium or want to convert it I have to visit any construction view, have to click on the plus under a resource and would then be able to buy Unobtainium or convert it to resources. Just clicking on the displayed current amount of resources to get to some sort of "Unobtainium and resource conversion"-view would make more sense or be a nice addition in my eyes. The little i button for the current objective is nearly never used by "older" players since it serves no purpose for them. Only putting it under the three dots button directly (or after one has done all objectives) would leave more space in the Earth View. But I' nearly sure this was also mentioned sometime before here in the forum. In the side bar menu there is the point "My Profile". There is also a big domination logo within a circle with your player name below looking like there should have been a profile picture. Intuitively I'd click on that "profile picture" or my player name to access my profile. Within the war tab if you have one (even more confusing with more) pending offered truces you won't see which offer with how many days was issued to whom. Additionally I feel like there should be a button to withdraw the offer but that sounds like a new feature so just don't read that part. Again before you read this one, I know that this is complaining on a very very high state. In the war tab when switching between the active and ended and between the active and truce tab, the message that "You are not at war with anyone currently" is larger (to the sides) and starts a little bit higher than the messaged about ended wars and pending truces so it looks a little bit "wobbeling" when switching fast between those tabs. The back/return button (the native one of any device) will close pop ups like from the Assembly Plant or perks, will lead me back from the views like construction or existing buildings or upgrade but will not bring me back from the existing buildings view right after I upgraded a building or from the "transfer army" dialog. At the beginning no player knows by default that the "view radius" is 300 km. So if you capture one single land far away (more than 300 km away from any other land/base of yours) and won't be able to establish a base there and then get home, you will have no possibility to see this land from home which can be very confusing especially for new players. It's just a special scenario I described here but this point is more about the fact that new players have never an idea why lands more than 300 km away are not displayed by default. So they are confused by that mechanic. This one is definitely not your fault and is more about Math. But I have noticed an unbelievable amount of players being confused that their captured area is calculated "wrong". Maybe a little hint in the tutorial (just one line) about how circular area is calculated might prevent this kind of confusion. I hope that's what you asked for will edit this comment if more comes to my mind.
    4 points
  18. Hi all, Another update is now available on the Play Store and App Store, featuring the following changes: It is now possible to obtain directions to any resource via Google Maps by tapping on the new "Compass" button appearing within the tooltip window of all resources. Ability to upgrade your Inventory and purchase additional slots using Unobtainium is now available. Please note that to preserve in-game balance each subsequent purchased slot will cost increasingly more than the previous one. Performance of the "My Lands" and "Construct" tabs has been improved: Construct tab no longer requires an active GPS connection, while the "My Lands" tab will display your base list on its own (excluding the nearest land) until Geolocation Services become available. Once a GPS connection is established the nearby land is going to be displayed at the top of "My Lands", same as before. Inventory and Warehouse items are now grouped by type. This means that if you have 20 metal detectors stored you will no longer see 20 separate rows with these items, but a single row saying "Metal Detector x20" instead. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
    4 points
  19. Hi all, Version 1.16 is out on both platforms (Android and iOS) and introduces a massive change to the construction system and high-level land capture mechanics! Featuring: Building upgrade option has moved from "Construct" window into "Existing Buildings" (new button appearing at the top of the list of buildings in "Construct"). Accordingly, if you want to upgrade your wall from level 1 to level 2 look for the "Upgrade" button within the "Existing Buildings" section. Options listed within the "Construct" window are now associated with brand new constructions only. Multiple Building Placement It is now possible to construct multiple buildings of the same kind on high-level lands (level 100 and above). You will not see any difference in construction options until your land reaches level 100, but after that your list of available buildings will reset and display all the options, including those already existing on this land. Clicking on "Build" will require you to manually select a placement location within your captured territory and you can build as many walls and guard towers as the free space allows you (each building occupies a 50m radius circle). Additionally, it is now possible to build Supply Factories on level 100+ lands. Attack Ranges It matters where your Guard Towers are placed! Attack radius of Guard Towers, Missile Launchers and Nuclear Silos no longer depends on the size of your land and uses 500m radius as a default distance unit (i.e. Guard Tower level 1 has a radius of 500m, level 2 - 1km, level 3 - 1.5km), but its center and reach are calculated from the spot where the building is located, not from the centre of your land. Accordingly, some towers placed closer to the land's edge will reach further out than those protecting the middle. Wall Stacks Having multiple walls within the same land does not increase the total defence points provided by these walls, but increases the amount of damage an invading army has to deal to start damaging other structures. Only the highest level wall is considered for the purpose of all defence score calculations. For example, if you have 99 walls of level 1 and one wall of level 10, your land will be protected by the defence score of the level 10 wall (until it's destroyed), but all 100 lands have to be destroyed before any other building can be damaged. Utility Structures It is now possible to use "Land Capture" (flag button) anywhere within your captured territory of level 100 or above; this action allows creating a one of the four new buildings for free: 1) Sentry Turret An automated defence system protecting your land even if there's no army stationed nearby to defend it. It has a variable chance to activate depending on its level and the amount of soldiers it can target grows with its level as well. 2) Solar Panel An "add on" building to all resource stations you capture, adding a variable chance (1% per level) to generate Money whenever Resource Collection is performed every hour. It doesn't matter what kind of resource stations are captured currently, Solar Panel will always produce Money in addition to any other resource collected. It will not function if you have no resource stations captured currently. 3) Silo Similar to Solar Panel, Silo generates additional Supplies whenever resource collection is performed. 4) Communication Relay Another resource station "add on" generating personnel upon resource collection. Each of the 4 Utility Structures can be upgraded by capturing land within 50m from them, and can grow up to level 1000: each hundredth level unlocks an additional effect, allowing buildings to activate twice or more times. E.g. a level 160 Sentry Turret has a 100% chance to kill 1 enemy soldier and 60% chance to kill one more. Level 1000 Sentry is guaranteed to kill 10 enemy soldiers every round. Upgrading Utility Structures counts as a land capture, advancing your base level and generating new resources. Please note that only the Utility Structure levels can grow via land capture, but Walls and attack structures purchased from the "Construct" tab will restore between 1-2 hit points whenever you check-in nearby (this action also counts as land capture and advances your base). If the nearby building is currently at full health, this action will only generate additional resources nearby. Utility Structures do not have hit points and cannot be repaired remotely: their levels work as their health (exactly as lands') and when damaged their levels start dropping until they reach zero and the building is destroyed. Accordingly, all of your Solar Panels and Communication Relays will work as an additional layer of defence between the invading army and your land levels, but only after your sandbag walls are destroyed. As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback!
    4 points
  20. Hi all, Looks like it's time to update our map collection again, as the Google Maps style damaged our Play Store ranking due to poor performance (I know, sounds a bit like a déjà vu!), and that is preventing new players from finding the game. Accordingly, Version 1.17.4 has now appeared on the Play Store and App Store. After the update you will see the following Map Style options in "My Profile": 1) "Night" - the new default style, replacing Google Maps (it looks very similar, but is based on the OSM data). 2) "Day" - due to popular demand it is now possible to switch to a "light" version of the map. 3) "Black"- the previous "OSM" style, now in HD! As always, please post if you have any questions or feedback!
    4 points
  21. Hi all, Just a small update to let you know about a recent change in the AI behaviour ("Force of Terror"): The AI will no longer use army to attack players if they have very few soldiers and the AI's army is much greater (e.g. a player has 50 soldiers, while the AI has 500). However, it will continue using any attack structures in its possession and it will use army if it is equal or smaller in size than its target's. In addition to AI's base level limiting the number of soldiers it can build, it can no longer produce more soldiers than the total amount existing between all players in a 100km radius around the AI's base. I.e. if there are 3 players around with 0, 15 and 100 soldiers in total the AI can only build up to 115 soldiers on its base even if it is of a much greater level (e.g. level 20, allowing up to 2,000 soldiers in theory). I'm hoping that this adjustment will reduce the political tension existing in low-level areas with very few players. Please let me know if you have any questions!
    4 points
  22. Hi all, Version 1.16.2 will appear on the Play and App Store shortly, featuring a few fixes and enhancements: Additional options of purchasing Unobtainium are now available: 1 and 10 units. New "track" button appears on all enemy land tooltips, allowing to quickly add players to the tracking list. Scenario with a group of markers (buildings, flags, resources) located too close to each other due to which only the uppermost marker is possible to select is now fixed: tapping on the topmost icon will send it further back bringing one of the other markers forward (thus allowing to cycle through the available markers in a stack). As always, please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.
    4 points
  23. There are two views which might could get one little feature to make my life (and maybe the life of many other players) much more comfortable. The item/inventory view and the warehouse view. On both you have two sides inventory and active at the first and warehouse and inventory on the second. When you want to switch between both especially when you have for example 2 full warehouses (60 items) and are already down to the super magnets you had to scroll all the way up to switch to the inventory. If you have a full warehouse and 9/10 items in your inventory but want to load your inventory with ten super magnets you would do this ten times and you had to scroll far more for every additional warehouse you have. Switching between warehouse and inventory by swiping left or right would make everything much easier. This would also be nice for inventory and active items but its not that dramatic there because of the 10 items cap.
    4 points
  24. A fix has just been released, failed attempts to upgrade the maximum level utility structure should no longer expend the land capture charge.
    3 points
  25. I still think having a default character with your username that you get to pick a class for would be a cool addition, but it sounds like Mr D isn’t a fan of the idea. I can dream though… Other than that, I think it’d be good to have some way to make low level items relevant in some way once you find upgrades. Item trading was one suggestion but I’m not a big fan of that, so instead maybe some way of either leveling old items or combining them with better items could be added? Maybe (a lot of) xp could be spent to level items instead, or a new facility to upgrade items using a lot of money and time could be added.
    3 points
  26. I know that this request already appeared some time ago but due to the latest changes regarding resources collection it is more important than ever to collect resources using items. I guess many of us try to use Super Magnets for this. So right now I spend most of my time deleting hundreds of items which are no Super Magnets which takes up lots of time. I would really appreciate if you could increase the priority of such a feature to delete lots of items at once.
    3 points
  27. Hi all, I am happy to announce that after 3 weeks of appeals & waiting "Domination: Earth" is back on the Play Store along with version 2.5.2 and all of the in-app purchases. Once again, my sincere apologies for any inconvenience caused and I thank you for your patience!
    3 points
  28. Hi all, Version 2.2.2 is now available on the Play Store and App Store. Featuring: Military Outposts no longer award points in the "Unique Bases" leaderboard (the board will refresh within 24 hours). It is now possible to convert Military Outposts to normal bases by visiting them in person and using the "Convert to Base" context menu option. 100km base radius circles for Military Outposts are now a little bit more "faded" and more transparent in comparison to the regular base circles. Added the missing player tracking button onto the individual lands of level 2+. Fixed an issue with the "My Lands" base cache not resetting upon logout. "Merge Lands" action window now displays the number of levels available to be received by merging the surrounding lands (none if there are no mergeable adjacent lands). As always, please post if you have any questions.
    3 points
  29. TBH I can't see anything wrong with it... We do have the game supporters top and no one is complaining that you need to pay to get there 🙃 so I think a new top exclusively for paying players won't hurt (and probably even help the game 😊) And I do support the country idea! Love it!
    3 points
  30. Hey all, It's been a while since the last update and I am aware that DE is in a bit of a bad shape right now; seems that we've run into a patch of trouble with both Apple and Google, where the latter has accidentally terminated our account responsible for in-game notifications and Google Sign-In. What is worse is that in the course of investigation it has been uncovered that some assets in our latest version violate Google's developer policies (the reference to Google Maps, which is fair enough considering that our affiliation with Google Maps ended a while ago, but the images remained), so we cannot release an update addressing the notification & sign-in failure while the problematic 2D assets are still in the game. I have no choice but to expedite the development of our new "2.0" design and replace our UI entirely in the near future as the alternative is either an embarrassing "hodgepodge" (i.e. our current app with very specific images replaced by something that looks out of place) or a forced removal of DE from the Play Store, which is not something I'd like to see happen. Unfortunately, due to the limited amount of time I would not be able to complete 100% of the changes initially planned for the 2.0; some of the unfinished screens & assets will be based on the existing materials with minimal adjustments to fit them into the overall new style of the app, and I will be gradually improving the look & feel of all components as the time allows. However, I have made some progress with the Apple side of our app and am hopeful that the 2.0 release will happen for both platforms (Android and iOS). It is worth mentioning that there will be no game mechanics changes in the new version; everything will continue functioning as it did before. This is purely a visual overhaul of the app. On a separate and a more positive subject: Christmas is coming and this year we have decided to award all active players with Unobtainium without any requirements other than the need to login and play in December. The exact Unobtainium amount is still to be determined and may depend on your activity, so I'll leave it as a surprise. As always, please post if you have any questions!
    3 points
  31. As mentioned in this thread: The land trade system removal is now cancelled and instead we are going to release a set of game mechanics changes. Some of you may find them harsh, but we believe these changes to be in the spirit of "Domination: Earth's" core principles and values that we try to uphold, primarily the need to travel to advance. This is a semi-official announcement, as the new features are still being developed and the list may change. However, this should give you a bit of a heads up in regard to future travel planning. So the main changes are: - A new resource is introduced named "Travel Points". Travel points are only obtained by (you guessed it!) travelling in real world. Every new land you create will award you between 1 and 100 points depending on the travelled distance from your last land capture (1 point per kilometer, at least 1 point awarded at all times). Upgrades and utility structures award no points. - Land merging and trading will now require to expend travel points (amount depends on the merged/traded land level). Buying a level 1 land requires 10 points. Merging a level 100 land with a level 5 will require 1050 points. - Automatic land merging will be removed; only the magnet merge remains. - Merging a level 2000 land with a level 1 will no longer award your base with 2001 points, but only 1 (the difference) instead. - Duplicates of merged structures on level 100+ lands no longer award base levels, so there is no longer a need to fill 100% of your land surface with walls to maximize the benefits of merging. - Deleting a Utility structure will now deduce the previously awarded level points from the base's total. That's it so far, please post if you have any questions!
    3 points
  32. Oh boy, lots to go through! Thanks very much for your (mostly) positive feedback, guys! I am really glad that to see that the majority of posts support the new feature! So, questions, let's begin! You can, it is not illegal, but I would advise against doing this too much: as mentioned in the other thread, I will have to trim many lands to a certain level (we haven't yet decided on that level, but I'm estimating it would be somewhere in the region of 1000), so if you go above that threshold this land will be lowered to the new one-off "hard cap"; you are free to level beyond level 1000 after the release though. I know this is painful news for many of you, but imagine what it would take to achieve the same level for any new player in the new system, we are asking people to travel 10,000km+ here. So we are going to start afresh in a way, but yes, I am hoping that I will never have to do this again. Nope! We don't actually need to know where you are at any given point in time. Data required for the new system to work is already in place: once you capture a new land its coordinates will be compared to the land you captured before that and the distance is used to reward you with the appropriate number of points. That's it, no extra GPS operations anywhere! Regarding a start from the utility structure: I believe it's a fair request; unless anyone can think of a way to abuse that I think I'm going to add this to the new rule list. Not sure what you mean by "interest system" though, sorry! If you travel 100km from the last land/utility structure you will receive 100 points. Please note though that the distance is calculated in a straight line, so zigzagging on your way to the next capture is not going to award any extra points (for that we would need to constantly track your GPS and that's not something I want to do ). Nope, the anti-cheat works perfectly well and we aren't introducing any new GPS operations; all point calculations are purely in the server's database (distance between the two existing lands)! So unless you intend to start using FakeGPS to gain travel points there's nothing to worry about. 95% of it is actually done (I'm already testing all of the new features in a dev version of the app), but I do need to fix a couple of bugs, make a few final tweaks and resolve a few platform-specific issues (iOS release is giving me an extra headache), so my current ETA is the end of next week, but the release may happen sooner or later (depending on 3rd party real-life circumstances and day jobs ). Will keep you informed! Don't see a reason why not, but that will delay the release, so maybe it will be added separately unless I get a few unexpected hours of free time somewhere. However upgrades of lands and utility structures work currently the same rules will remain. So yes, upgrading lands still advances your base, no changes there! Sorry, I was responding in a rush from my phone while running to work, so I did leave some ambiguity in this matter indeed. I meant that all duplicates of the structures that you are able to "paint" on your land after level 100 will no longer award points upon merging. One of each of these structures (the highest level or a randomly picked structure if they're all of the same level) still awards base points for merging. Example: I have one level 3 sandbag wall and 99 more sandbag walls of level 1 on my land. Merging that land will award my base with 3 points only from the highest level sandbag wall. If I also have a guard tower there, it will award my base with extra points separately. So lands below level 100 are unaffected by the new rules in that aspect. And of course, same as before, premium structures disappearing as a result of a merge will refund your Unobtainium spent. Yes, I believe there's been somewhat of a misunderstanding; I have included this new rule in the list as a result of a potential exploit report by a player, but while working on the code today I was unable to find any logic supporting that claim... oh well! If anything, that's good news for you as nothing is nerfed in that area! Yes, you will receive a number of extra base points equal to the level of the merged land. Upgrades will not participate in any part of the algorithm for one simple reason: they can be done remotely. The same applies to new flags created as a result of a remote resource station capture - these will not award you with any travel points. However, as mentioned above, at this moment in time I cannot see any harm in considering in-base objects (utility structures, which cannot be upgraded remotely) as a starting point for the distance check. You would still need to leave the base area and establish a brand new land to receive travel points after that though. Running back and forth between two solar panels around your house is not going to cut it. I think I covered everything, but please post if I accidentally missed someone's question!
    3 points
  33. Hi all, As mentioned in our recent News announcement we are currently working on the 2.0 version of "Domination: Earth", which is planned to perform better, look nicer and feel less confusing. Making "the already incredibly confusing game" (TM @Republic of America ) less confusing is one of our top priorities, but as the definition of "confusion" depends on your perspective and level of DE experience we really want to ask for your opinion on what you think the biggest problems are right now. This may be the best opportunity to influence the direction in which the future DE is developed, as it will be late to change many aspects once we have a fully-functional beta in place. So please do not assume that we can read your thoughts and do share any thoughts on things you'd like to see changed; don't keep any rants to yourself. However, please note that this is not a thread to suggest new features (i.e. no proposals for new buildings, additional diplomacy features etc.); I'd like to only discuss things that made it hard for you to start playing / understand the existing mechanics or UI elements, or complaints that you heard from other players on the same topics. Any posts with ideas that are not related to "de-confusing DE" will be moved out of this thread. Other than that... any feedback is very welcome!
    3 points
  34. And we really appreciate all your ideas and suggestions. We do have a lot of alternative data points to consider, it is possible that streets or other labels will replace the establishment names. @Irrelevents raised a very good point that we don't want to create a backdoor for spam in our game, but at the same time name diversity has to improve without losing its meaning (i.e. randomly generated names by us would bring zero value to motivation of travelling somewhere far ). Anyway, leave it with me; as soon as we have some concrete solutions I will post about it for further discussion!
    3 points
  35. Yup, sounds like what we have in Flamefrost! That is a classic guild model that I'm very familiar with and was thinking of introducing to DE in a fairly similar way!
    3 points
  36. @Republic of America Here you are
    3 points
  37. Great idea! I love things that encourage more activity on the forums I was lucky and have had a chance to take DE on some great trips with me (and DE has spured me to take some great trips) I will go ahead and share a few of the places I have traveled with DE so far, sorry for the file dump here lol. I hope you enjoy the photos. Bonne idée! J'aime les choses qui encouragent plus d'activité sur les forums 🙂 J'ai eu de la chance et j'ai eu la chance d'emmener DE en voyage avec moi (et DE m'a incité à faire de superbes voyages) Je vais aller de l'avant et partager quelques-uns des endroits où j'ai voyagé avec DE jusqu'à présent, désolé pour le fichier de décharge ici lol. J'espère que vous apprécierez les photos
    3 points
  38. Hi! In regard to the lack of communication: this is your first post, I can't see any emails from yourself in my mailbox and there's nothing on Facebook; where exactly is that I am not communicating with you? My communication is usually a lot better when there are any attempts at talking to me via any channels mentioned above. Unfortunately, because we have tens of thousands players in the game it is not physically possible for me to meet & greet every new player within the game personally, but you will find that any question posted on the forum is eventually answered. If you're referring to the ban you received, you did get one in-game warning (as a push notification & inbox message), which is your cue to contact me if you believe there was a mistake. All warnings & bans are 100% automated as there is no way for me to review all our game accounts manually (again, there are many thousands of them). But back to the main subject! Let me get this straight: you've looked at #1 player in Europe, came to conclusion that there is no way they're playing without cheating (as your gut feel is of course more accurate than any automated anti-cheat ) and decided that this warrants you using a Fake GPS to catch up? First of all, any "Fake GPS vigilantism" is really a bad idea for reasons described in this thread: And also because you will inevitably get caught by the anti-cheat. As I mentioned above, it is fully automated and the anti-cheat checks every single account existing in the game 24/7, so there is no way to reach #1 position in Leaderboards via Fake GPS without it catching you. This machine does not hold a personal grudge towards you and it does not discriminate against Fake GPS users; everyone gets the same treatment.
    3 points
  39. First of all, I really appreciate more alliance options/possibilities/features. There is so much potential and there are already very important alliance features within the game. But there is one thing I also like about Domination which I am afraid could get lost or to much softened when some of your ideas would be implemented. It's keeping everything location based. At the moment a player can interact with everything within his base(es) range. This can be a very huge area and is encouraging to establish new bases all over the world. Everywhere where I have a land which is in my range and in the range of an allied player I could share resources with him via trading lands. I can attack together with allies when we both have the same enemy in range. So this one is indeed very interesting, I'd also like to have a resources share function with allies but I wouldn't be happy with the idea of allowing it regardless of the location. I'm very happy with this only possible if the two territories (base ranges) at some point overlap. You could say so that a save transport can be guaranteed. Imagine being in a war with two members of an alliance one south and one north of you a few hundred kilometers apart. At the moment you could prevent them from supporting each other directly when you just keep them from establishing a base within your range (an ally had to travel far to the territory of another to establish a base there in a save place). I'd really really like to keep thing location based here. A good idea, this can only be made via trading to share Personnel and Supplies. But here I'd also like to keep thing location based for the same reasons as previously mentioned. At the moment this would be not that useful since there are never more than 50 soldiers actual fighting on one target no matter how big the army is. Currently if there are two allies they would both spawn resources so there are all in all twice as much resources but the are both sharing them so everyone would only get the half of it resulting in both having the same as they were just one person. BUT rounding up when sharing makes it a win-win situation. So at the end of the day there is already a mechanism rewarding allied resource collection. Sounds interesting but what would be the matter of ranks ?
    3 points
  40. Hi all, Another exciting update is going to appear on the Play Store shortly (and we're still waiting for the App Store to catch up; will post again once the update is available for iOS too ). Version 1.18 features the following changes: Czech language! Special thanks goes to @Bilescu for a super-quick translation! Content for Easter 2018, which is due to start on Friday (30th of March 2018) and last until the 8th of April 2018. You will not see any changes yet, but I will create a separate thread soon describing what exactly is going to happen. Brand new Leaderboards system! We're moving away from Google Play Games at last, which means that both platforms (Android and iOS) will have equal access to our Leaderboards. Our own version of Leaderboards is based on your in-game Display Names and Lands Titles (and it is not possible to opt out of being displayed there ), so you'll know exactly who's the boss around. On top of that, regional Leaderboards are now available, listing the same information per country: country-specific boards are accessible via a new button appearing on the "Country Stats" tooltip (binoculars icon on Earth View). For instance, if you have 5 square kilometers captured in the US and 50 square kilometers in the UK, your combined total of 55 square km will appear on the global "Land Area (m2)" leaderboard, but you can still see how much land you have in each of those countries individually. Regional boards that contain generic information (e.g. Richest Lands) will only list players with lands/bases in the selected country, but the score will be the same in all of them (as you cannot have different amounts of Money in different countries ). Three new Leaderboards are now available: 1. Lands Captured: listing unique lands captured globally/in the selected country (regardless of their size). 2. Top Peacekeepers: listing the most prolific fighters against terror. 3. Points of Fame: listing the leaders of PvP combat. All leaderboard contents update once every 24 hours. As always, please let me know if you have any questions or feedback!
    3 points
  41. Good afternoon all, Unfortunately, time has come for another cheater trial against "Matteo The King" (lands: "Ciosa Empire"). This one is going to be a bit more swift, as activity log confirms definite abuse of an exploit: an error in scrapping referral QR code that resulted in infinite referrals of the same person bypassing the resource limit, which resulted in a total gain of over 100,000 money and 16,000+ supplies by Matteo the King, despite having a level 12 base with a limit of 12,000 Money and 1,200 Supplies. The bug in question has now been fixed, but I can see that it was used dozens of times in a row by the aforementioned player since 4 days ago (I've literally lost count) and there's no possible excuse for that behaviour (and not reporting the issue to me). All Money and Supplies accumulated by "Matteo The King" have been reset and the account is now placed in debt (-10,000 Money and -1,000 Supplies to repay until the resource counter becomes positive again). I don't believe any reasonable explanation for this behaviour exists, but I will accept an apology and a promise to report any future exploits to me directly, instead of abusing them for personal gain. If that happens I will consider reducing the resource debt applied to the account.
    3 points
  42. Hey guys, On multiple occasions some of you raised an issue that our PvP (Player-vs-Player combat) is pretty much imbalanced and causes issues for new players, which I agree with: at this point it seems that @The one true king could slay all of us if he wanted to. But although our top 5 players could unite in alliance against such a force, our new players are left fearing for their lives (and lives of their lands ) every day. And unfortunately, this problem has finally reached a stage of being really harmful to the entire project: many active new players were completely wiped out by more experienced players recently, which resulted in negative game reviews, a serious drop in active user count and a lot of frustration (obviously). Multiple features were suggested in the past to help with that problem (most recently - tracking protection suggestion by SebRut), but although they most certainly help with the symptoms, they don't actually fix the root cause, as low-level players are still vulnerable to attacks by really territorial leaders. Which is why as a quick fix I intend to make PvP a high-level player feature only, i.e. only available to those who've had a base of level 10+ (at least once; i.e. even if it got destroyed afterwards you're in "PvP League" now ), but until then only the AI battles will remain available. The reasoning behind this is that whenever you reach level 10 of your base you've most likely accumulated enough resources to easily repair any sandbags and concrete walls (which can be a real pain at level 5 ), and regardless of whether you have 500 soldiers or 5000 all battles will last a really long time and you're unlikely to get wiped out by a single party. However, new players who do not have enough money to build (let alone maintain) all the defensive structures will grow undisturbed. It's also been suggested to add a temporary shield to all new players, but once again, there's no guarantee that by the end of that shield's duration I've had enough time to play and accumulate enough wealth to engage in any form of PvP. Which is why disabling all PvP for new players (i.e. making them unable to attack non-AI enemies and making all of their lands non-attackable either) seems like the best quick solution currently. I've mentioned "quick solution" as I am open to other ideas & suggestions regarding this matter and would be happy to implement any new features that would help with this situation, but as you can understand something has to be done urgently before most of our population leaves the game and "Domination: Earth" becomes a duel between the Top 10. However, please post if you have any objections or different views!
    3 points
  43. At the moment I have six bases and @SebRut and me started to think about a little bit about the My Lands tab growing and growing with any new base you establish. First, I recognized that you have some sort of hierarchical order when loading the game. If I have a perfectly fine mobile data connection and the game itself would work great but the GPS takes it's time again (sometime in a train this will take a really long time) I'm stuck with the "Retrieving GPS coordinates..." message. Yes, Domination is a GPS based game and it makes sense to don't allow using it without any location data. But I don't see the need of a location when accessing the My Lands tab. For example in this case I could not restock my army in a case of war, I could not collect the hourly resources, I could not use the Tracking Satellite and so on... The only things really needing a location concerning the My Lands tab is if I try to deposit or withdraw items from the warehouse or produce at the Assembly Plant resulting in stocking up my inventory if I am in the base range (never really understood this one though) and the sharing of the resources collected by the Tracking Satellite. It would be nice (maybe also battery saving) if I could do anything in the My Lands without a location but as soon as I try to do something which really needs it for example withdrawing an item resulting in the already known "Retrieving GPS coordinates..." message. Secondly, we thought about the mess if you do things you usually want to do with any bases but you have to do them with each base for its own. It would be nice having buttons doing this for all bases with just one click: Producing items. I usually want to use all my Assembly Plants to produce items not just two of them or something like that. At the moment I have to go into every base then click on Produce Items then confirm this and move to the next base. Warehouse. I don't understand why there is a Warehouse button for each base since the Warehouses are connected to each other it doesn't really matter on which Warehouse button I clicked. For withdrawing or depositing it might be necessary to know that I'm within a bases radius with a Warehouse built but it shouldn't (at the moment it does) matter on which of those bases I'm at. Restocking my army. I tend to have all my armies at the maximum. I also tend to build barracks on every base. It would be nice to restock at least the armies of all bases with barracks built with one click. Using the Tracking Satellite. For sure in the most cases you know that there are resources on this specific land and so you are using the Tracking Satellite of this base. But to be honest who would mind using all Tracking Satellites at once with just one click. Upgrading buildings. It makes totally sense to be able to upgrade different buildings at different bases separately but I don't really see the point of the upgrade button of the optionally before it was a base built Sandbag Walls. I mean I am not able to upgrade them afterwards so this button is just there for the sake of its existence. I see all this might in general affect high level players and players who travel often so I think nobody would mind if you would introduce a new building like a base-central giving those abilities but also costing some resources. This would maybe prevent everyone from doing it right when he starts since I can understand that all those points would result in a all in all higher server usage.
    3 points
  44. Hi all, You may have noticed a new update appear on the App Store and Play Store; this is a maintenance release aimed at improving app stability and reducing the number of crashes among all devices. Additionally, it features a bunch of GPS enhancements that should make it a bit more "responsive" and reduce the number of cases where an out-of-date set of coordinates is considered your current position. I would be very grateful if you could upgrade to this version as soon as you can, as the fewer crashes we have the better is our reputation on the Play & App Store!
    3 points
  45. Mr. D, I am just too curious... what is the next big enhancement in your list?
    3 points
  46. Hi all, A small update went live on the Play Store and has been sent to the App Store for review as well (should appear for iOS devices in a couple of days, depending on Apple's review times). Featuring: Flags are now grouped by colour when zooming out Earth View. Zooming in Earth View will display all captured land circles even if their center is not within view. "Upgrade lands within 50m instead of capturing new" setting is now available in "My Profile". Any questions or feedback - please post!
    3 points
  47. Ok guys, first of all - feedback heard and noted! As I said on multiple occasions in the past, I'm doing my best to find the perfect balance in the game, not make this game impossible to enjoy (despite what some of you may think). Having reviewed the real-life merge examples performed in the last couple of hours I agree that the merge cost is a bit too steep; as a TEMPORARY solution I've slashed the upgrade cost by 10 (i.e. all merges should cost 10 times less now). However, following your feedback I have a couple of ideas for a better formula which may scale better for lands above level 500; we'll try it out next week. I am a bit disappointed that the requirement to place new flags within larger lands is perceived as such an important game element (possibly *the* most important element?). When this update was designed I was under impression that having the ability to check-in in a larger variety of places (due to the 500m invisible upgrade radius removed) would be the key feature of the update, making localized travels a lot more diverse (and outweigh the inability to check-in within level 1000 lands). But once again, I hear what you're saying (looks at @Riylan ) and I will have a think about ways to shift this balance. In my opinion, the game shouldn't end whenever you can't place a flag on an already captured piece of land, but enabling this ability isn't the right solution either (it just doesn't make any sense! Sub-countries within your own country? ) and other game features should replace this process. I have a few ideas of how this could be improved and will work on that next week! I don't say this often, but I must say that I am sincerely offended by your petition and comments. Do I not always respond to every single bit of feedback and suggestion? Was there ever a case when I ignored our players' opinions and did things my own way despite negative feedback? Please remember that I am not a corporation, I am one person; a player just like yourself, trying to make a fun game for everyone. The fact that this game has no ads and there are so few ways to spend Unobtainium is my way of saying "this is not a cash grab". However, it costs over $1,000 per month to run this game and pay for the associated hardware and software, so I have to sell a minimum amount of something. What I'm trying to prevent here with this update is over-expansion of higher-level players with no "sink" for their accumulated riches that makes such players an impossible obstacle for newcomers. There's just nothing you can (or need to!) spend in-game resources on at high-levels at the same pace you're earning them. Anyway, I'm afraid I'll have to continue this discussion later / on another day, as (once again) a mortal being that I am I have to return home and spend at least some time with my family before getting back to development (that I'm actually not being paid for, believe it or not! 100% of our profits go towards hardware maintenance and online ads).
    3 points
  48. Hi all, A small server-side update has been released (no app downloads required), featuring a couple of adjustments: If the defending army is slain and some of your soldiers still haven't performed any action in the same round they will deal damage to the land and its structures straight away. I.e. it is no longer possible to prevent all land damage by mobilizing 1 soldier every round in a battle against a much larger army. For example, if I am attacked by 1,000 soldiers and only have 1 soldier defending my base, the initial attack wave will kill the defending soldier and the remaining damage will go straight into my walls (then attack structures, then land). It is no longer possible to perform remote strikes using Guard Towers, Missile Launchers and Nuclear Silos from a land that is currently being attacked by an army. You can still perform remote strikes from any other lands that are not being invaded right now. Additionally, some of you may have noticed that resource limits are a bit more strict now; collected resources will no longer "disappear" if you don't have enough space to store them. Instead, you will see a notification informing you about the reached storage limits and the resource will remain on the map, awaiting to be collected whenever your base reaches next level or you spend some of your savings. Same applies to the resource stations: if pressing "Collect Resources" button doesn't award you with resources due to your storage being full, resource collection cooldown will not begin and you can re-attempt that action as soon as some space is freed. Please let me know if you have any questions or if something doesn't make sense!
    3 points
  49. Makes sense, I'll see what can be done!
    3 points
  50. Hello! My name is MikeHunt. If anyone wants to stake a claim in Canada send me an alliance request! I'll be the leader of Canada for the foreseeable future
    3 points
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